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An Open Letter to All PAs: The Time Has Come for a Professional Name Change

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Yet another on the supercomputer:


...."The company is collaborating with Columbia University and the University of Maryland to create a physician's assistant service that will allow doctors to query a cybernetic assistant."...."The "physician's assistant" designation should assuage a profession long suspicious of any brain other than its own."



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This article includes a video with IBM researcher referring to the Watson computer as a physician's assistant. So, a media blizt, "physician ('s) assistant"..... Maybe policy makers and law makers will see the light regarding the need to change the professional title to physician associate.

IBM's Watson could usher in new era of medicine


'Dr. Watson' could act as a physician's assistant, sorting electronic medical histories and even diagnosing patients'



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See, what Watson would be doing there would actually be acting as an assistant to a physician. It would be assisting with the work.


Of course, Watson could assist us PAs in exactly the same way (and that might be kind of cool, actually).


It's amusing to think that Watson is probably the only one who would a) understand this properly, and b) not be bothered by it. The "Assistant" in our title is a total albatross.

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I'm anxiously waiting for "Hot Shot Funk" to reply. It's only a matter of time that NP will be supervising PA's. The AAPA is always playing defense while the ANA is always on the offense. Defense win's the game in football but not in medicine.

Well here it is "Hot Shot Funk." PAs in Tennessee are having the door slammed in their faces here because the AAPA who, are supposedly hard at work in D.C. promoting PAs and the profession are actually doing little to nothing for PAs. Read this article. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2011/jan/28/300m-tenncare-cut-planned What they were actually doing last spring and summer was promoting Obama Care. What they should have been doing is making sure PAs were considered "mandatory" providers like MDs and NPs instead of being lumped in with speech therapists as "optional" providers. One of the ways nurse practitioners have been able to attain the professional and legal status and recognition that they have is 1.) Insisting that they are INDEPENDENT and not subservient/dependent providers 2.) Insisting that they are (as their title proclaims) PRACTITIONERS and not simply someone's assistant. Under the current laws, regulations and even the view of the AAPA PAs are actually dependent assistants. Dependent upon physicians to practice and then when we do practice we do it as assistants. NPs are none of those things – they are practitioners. It’s no wonder CMS classified them with MDs as mandatory providers and left PA in the same category as speech therapists. We are all just allied health assistants and need to leave the heavy lifting to the practitioners. That is a very weak position for any profession to advocate its point of view from. There is a very old idea among the profession that if we submit ourselves to physicians and present our profession as dependent then physicians (and the AMA) will view us as less threatening and will be an advocate for us. That, my friend, is a myth if ever there was one. If we don't stand on our own two feet independently, fight for equal recognition with NPs and proclaim ourselves something other than "dependent assistants." We are going to lose the war - the battle is already lost If we don't get CMS to include PAs as mandatory providers.
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I wonder if any of the upcoming AAPA-elect candidates back or support this name change? I looked on their platforms on the website and I couldnt find it. Anyone know?

BOTH candidates for president of the aapa are in favor of polling the profession on a name change. it's gonna happen folks. the tide is turning against the naysayers and entrenched yes men of the aapa.

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Wow!! It's like someone has been reading my mind!! In a day and age where the market (and TV commercials) are flooded with "Medical Assistant" this and "Medical Assistant" that, I have been concerned that people don't realize that a PA is something quite different. Don't get me wrong, MA's are a very important part of the health-care team, however, the general public now associates anything that has "assistant" in its name as a technical position without considering that we are professionals of a different nature with a higher level of education.

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  • 1 month later...

There is no question among those of us in the field that this is a necessary step to begin to move our profession in the right direction. Perception is what is important more often than what is so. While politically impotent, apparently the AAPA has an agenda of its own. I have supported them thus far. My continued support will hinge on this issue.

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There is no question among those of us in the field that this is a necessary step to begin to move our profession in the right direction. Perception is what is important more often than what is so. While politically impotent, apparently the AAPA has an agenda of its own. I have supported them thus far. My continued support will hinge on this issue.

Have they made a move on this issue though???? If they back this, I WILL JOIN THE DAY AFTER!!!!

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I dont think anyone part of that original name change statement started the site...I remember someone posting it here selling t shirts and I asked if the profits were actually going towards the movement and got no response, then all of the sudden the forum had all these trollish posts, some asking me for packrat copies with posters with ONE post and weird names....are we getting punked?!?

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i have dealt with insecure physicians, nurses, techs, pas nps for the last 35 years. there is nothing that a trollish whiner playing childish pranks can do to alter or adjust my position without legitimate reasoned discourse using logic and clarity. I have seen none. i remain ...unmoved. Change the freaking name.


everybody "man up", do your job well and let others worry about theirs

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, so I'd like to run something by you guys. I'm in Minnesota, and the Practice Act for PAs clearly states that you can't call yourself a Physician Assistant unless you meet the proper requirements. Link is here, and it even covers the term "PA." I like this; it helps keep our profession stable and helps cut down on confusion. However, a close reading shows that technically, anybody could go around calling themselves a "Physician Associate" and not violate the letter of the law. Maybe I'm worried about nothing, but if we're eventually going to try to change, or at least have an intelligent conversation about changing, then I'd like to know ahead of time that "Physician Associate" is a term that is similarly protected.


So my plan would be to write my state legislators, explain a little about the background and why this matters, and see if someone will put forth a bill that adds in "Physician Associate" to that list of protected terms. I can't think of a down-side to doing this, but wanted your thoughts. Is this a worthwhile protective step and helpful in getting "Physician Associate" on equal footing? Or does it make a big deal out of a small detail and muddy the waters?


I saw the other thread about WV's state PA association getting huffy that someone had suggested rules changes without their involvement, and honestly I have no idea if MN's association would have a similar issue. I could always try to do it through them, but I'm not a member and don't see a pressing need to become one.

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  • 6 months later...

I am not sure why any PA would have a problem with the professional name change. I suppose the reasons for not wanting change would be so as not to upset the delicate sensibilities of some of our Physician compatriots. God forbid, we even think, we posses a 10th of "their" knowledge, never mind practicing , dare i say, "independent", which of course means..."competition".

Boy, talk about beating a dead horse and antiquated arguments.


The fact is that medicine is Not the same as it was 45 years ago, and although PA's have evolved and succeeded individually, the PA Persona has not kept up to the levels at which we have become more Experienced, Educated and yes, Independent.

Thanks for the Letter, and we'll effect change in New Hampshire.

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  • 5 months later...
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The Association of Physician Assistants in Psychiatry (APAP) has changed its title. The Board of Directors of APAP has chosen the new title Association of Physician Associates in Psychiatry.

additionally there are several votes coming up for the house of delegates in Toronto. if anyone knows delegates encourage them to vote "pro name change".

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The HOD has three separate resolutions regarding a name change: One of them changes the AAPA's official position on the PA title (to "Associate"), one of them creates a task force to investigate the details of the legislative process of a name change, and the third creates a task for to examine the possible ramifications of a name change.


It seems logical that the last two happen before the first one, if all three are to be passed.

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