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UF Class of 2017 Applicants

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Does anyone know how many interview sessions there are for this cycle?


One about every two weeks starting in the beginning of September through December, so about 7. This number isn't set in stone, can change depending on schedules, and the school can add interview dates. However, they haven't added any dates in the past couple of years, so I wouldn't hang my hat on it occurring this year.


All the best!

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Culbreth007 - 

what were your stats if you don't mind me asking?!


Here's what she posted earlier:


"Age: 21

GPA: 3.8

GRE: 310

Direct Patient Care: 1400 hours (as a CNA)

Shadowing (ARNP, PA, DO, MD): 400 hours

Volunteer hours: 700 hours

Graduating in August from UCF


You have to consider the other factors too. For instance, I'm an honors student who started a charity in 2010 and a marketing company in 2012. I have shadowed/worked in multiple fields to gain experience such as biomedical research, family practice, emergency medicine, pediatric nephrology, endocrinology, etc."


Best of Luck!

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I don't have any insider information on October slots. The only info I have is "anecdotal" from people who post on the forum and from personal contacts with my shadows. I doubt that both October interviews are full. In fact, since they still have another September interview session next week, I imagine that both October interview dates still have some openings. But there's really no one here who can answer that question without speculation.

I've got to be honest, I don't see the difference between what you just said and "rolling admissions" would you mind re-explaining if possible?
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Rolling admissions admit students as they interview. This means once all seats are filled which could happen early in the application cycle then you will be interviewing for a waitlist or interviewing for a non- existent position . At UF all students who interview have a chance at an actual seat. So in theory each interview session has 8 to 10 seats up for grabs ( about 20/month ) though a lot of the compiling is done in December or early January. I am interviewing tomorrow in October however theoretically a student interviewing in December has an equal chance at a seat . If you have rolling admission the students in September and October would have an advantage over the students in December or January as the seats would be filled or more competitive or they would simply be interviewing for a waitlist


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Since I have never applied to a school with true rolling admissions, I don't know that I can fully explain it. My understanding of rolling admissions is that when you apply, your application is immediately considered - you are either offered an interview or you are sent a "thanks for applying" but you don't qualify for an interview. Then, if you interview, you are either accepted or rejected.... then they "roll on" to the next group of applicants.


UF's "system" is a hybrid. Some people are told as they apply that they won't qualify for an interview, but most of the >1850 applicants won't know until the process is over that they don't qualify for an interview.


Then, if you get an interview, A VERY SMALL group of people find out immediately if they get in. Everyone else is a "no" or a "maybe". The no's won't find out until the end of the process and the maybe's will become yes's or no's at the end of the process. IF this were rolling admissions, everyone would know their status as soon as their interview is over. No one  would be waiting until the end if it were rolling.


But that's my weak interpretation.

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Yeah...that's the way it's been. Sorry that we don't know anything more specific. This is a very labor intensive process run by some good people who work hard to make sure they are making the best decisions, thus they don't like giving hard dates. 


The wait is absolutely painful at times. Hang in there, this is part of the process that every PA student goes through. Hopefully, that phone call comes soon!


Last year I recall a ton of phone calls going out in the week after the final interview day, which this year will be December 1. If it helps any, the semester is done for the PA program on the 12th, so they will be looking to wrap things +/- a few days from that date. I'm sure people will start posting when the calls go out in December and we will all find out together.


All the best!

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Okay I'm at work today and haven't fully explored UFs website so don't jump on me; but, here are some questions that might push me either way:


Once going to FL can I qualify for residency for the second year? I ask this because CO allows you to be charged as a resident years 2 and 3 (given you have jumped through all the hoops to bc a resident)!


I noticed there is not many practicing PAs from UF that went into FP (% breakdown) any reason why (usually the numbers heavily favor family practice medicine)


Are there sim labs - Quality of Sim labs?


Cadaver Labs?


Integrated classes with Med school kids?


International clinical rotations?


Specialized tracks?



Okay the last questions were rapid fire haha so any answers would be awesome and if not all my questions will be answered at home tonight via their website! Cheers!






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Once going to FL can I qualify for residency for the second year? I ask this because CO allows you to be charged as a resident years 2 and 3 (given you have jumped through all the hoops to bc a resident)! 


Yes, I did this myself. There's a form on the registrar's website and as long as you can get as many of the forms they ask for and you cut ties with your previous state, you should get it the semester that begins after you meet your 12 months in the state. So in other words, it does pay to move a week earlier so you can meet the 12 months just before the second summer begins.


I noticed there is not many practicing PAs from UF that went into FP (% breakdown) any reason why (usually the numbers heavily favor family practice medicine) 


UF's mission is to make great PAs, not PAs of a particular specialty. I haven't been pushed in any direction and the faculty comes from a variety of backgrounds. Not to say that you can't practice in FP if you don't want to. I'm sure Woodsers will be along to tell you about that.


Are there sim labs - Quality of Sim labs? 


Sim labs, yes. We have skills labs throughout the Spring taught by our faculty. I wouldn't say they are "whizbang" or anything, but we have plenty of models (real and fake) to use when appropriate and get plenty of instructin. We were given suture practice pads this year to take home which were pretty nice as well. Also, we get to be part of the wonderful OSCE experience at the Harrell Center (http://harrellcenter.med.ufl.edu/). They are also building a new building with some pretty innovative labs, The Harrell Medical Education Building, which will be ready this coming summer (https://ufhealth.org/news/2013/uf-college-medicine-breaks-ground-new-george-t-harrell-md-medical-education-building ).


Cadaver Labs? 


Yes, amazing full dissection cadaver lab. No hand-me-downs. Takes up most of the Summer B semester, which is great because you not only get a chance to focus primarily on anatomy, but it also eases you into the experience that is PA school.


Integrated classes with Med school kids? 


Other than a smoking cessation class two times, no. You do get taught by many of the same faculty, in the "fast paced" PA school style. 


International clinical rotations? 


None at this time, however, they could be set up. A student did go to Australia last year via a connection a former faculty member had. Also, one of my classmates did join one of the medical mission trips with the med students. Here's an article about her: http://floridaphysician.med.ufl.edu/2014/07/college-news/pa-corner  first-physician-assistant-student-joins-uf-trip-to-ecuador/


Specialized tracks? 


Not in the UCD sense. However, you have the choice of one internal medicine selective and two electives, so that adds a bit of flexibility. Also, there are plenty of rotations available throughout the state, many in rural areas, if that is something you are interested in. 


Overall, I am very happy with UF and how I have been prepared for my second year. There is something to be said about being part of the Gator Nation as well. UF is a great program with a very unique identity and feel, so if you are at all interested, I encourage you to make the trip to see if it fits you.


Please let me know if there is anything further I can answer/clarify. 


Good luck!


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