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One of the nice things about gender disparity in recent PA students and graduates is that there's no line for the men's room.

Post your own AAPA 2019 observations below!

First one to spot me and introduce yourself gets a to-be-determined prize. Void for people whom I have already met in person.

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8 hours ago, UGoLong said:

Saturday’s introductory ultrasound workshop was cool.

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I didn't get to any of them, unfortunately. Ended up getting talked into it by the POCUS guys last night. but everything was full.

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11 hours ago, UGoLong said:

I’m here until Wed AM.

I'm here until Wednesday early afternoon.  No one has spotted me (except for @sas5814 who I met at the PAFT booth).  I should be at the FCPA booth from about 11 AM today until the exhibit hall closes if anyone wants to say hi.

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Basically they announced and discussed the results of the branding survey which looked into all the aspects and feeling about our current title and how we are perceived by various groups medical and non. The general result was we need a title change. Now they start evaluating what title and how to best roll is out.

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1 hour ago, OTPisNOW777 said:

Unfortunately, they implied that  it could take up to two years. Yeah, that really helps... by then, NP's might get full independent practice  in all states, right after Cali domino falls. Vegas now put odds of  PA's working for NP bosses as 10:1 now.  We are on the path to become  the lowest/ least wanted provider. I believe at this rate, the order would be  MD > DO  > NP   >>>>>> PA

There are currently 22 states (plus a couple US territories and DC) that allow independent practice of NPs (source). While PAs are far behind NPs in that regard, let's be realistic here, it's pretty hyperbolic to think that NPs will draft and pass legislation for independent practice in 28 more states in the next 2 years. 

Yes, the title change is an important issue, and yes, PAs have been complaining about it for well over 2 decades. But the AAPA is finally taking real action to make the change happen, yet people still bitch that it wasn't done yesterday. Change takes time, especially a change as massive as this. 

Let's try to keep all the doom and gloom within reason. There is definitely much work to be done, but overall I feel pretty confident in the change of tone I've seen in the AAPA and within members of the profession over the last few years. I'm a realist (rather than a true optimist), but I think the future of the profession looks pretty bright.  

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1 hour ago, OTPisNOW777 said:

Unfortunately, they implied that  it could take up to two years. Yeah, that really helps... by then, NP's might get full independent practice  in all states, right after Cali domino falls. Vegas now puts the odd of  PA's working for NP bosses in next 5 years as 10:1.  WOW!!!!!!!   We are on the path to become  the lowest/ least wanted provider. I believe at this rate, the order would be  MD > DO  > NP   >>>>>> PA

For full disclosure, I've summarily banned this account: five posts, all pure OTP advocacy.  If you want, you can contact them at OTPisNOW777@gmail.com.  He'll probably be back with a throwaway email address in a few weeks, attempting the same feces agitation.

The PA forum's openness is not an excuse to just come here for partisan fights.  We allow pseudonymity for the benefit of practicing PAs, who may want to discuss things without having issues tied directly to their real names, employers, and license numbers.  We allow criticism of AAPA, NCCPA, state organizations, and the like in the interests of independent discussion and providing a forum for transparency that Huddle never has been and likely never will be.

If you come here as a single issue advocate, whatever that issue is, expect to be shown the door.  I don't care whether it's OTP, marijuana legalization, or whatever particular interest you have.  If that's your only interest in being here, you're indistinguishable from a troll or paid advocacy account, and will be banned at any moderator's discretion.

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^^^ Ouch.


I'm not so sure much of what this guy said was not true though?  I've been on these boards for the better part of a decade and I have strong feelings and posts about many issues concerning PA's, but none stronger then us needing, deserving and have earned a title change.  As far as being patient...I have been patient for almost 30 years....Change takes time?  Good grief, 30 years???  How much time do our elected leaders need?  The frustration represented in a lot of posts in the last few years are well founded.  Watching NP's blast past us at break neck speed, having to compete with them for jobs and losing out simply because admin's hire a "Practitioner" over an "assistant" because they don't know any better is pretty damn frustrating.  

I'm not saying that the admins here are not doing a great job policing the boards, they are and always have.  I'm just saying please be aware that the frustration with this professions lack of progress toward something as straight forward as a name change from "assistant" while NP's lap us is at times infuriating.   That's all.  Respectfully posted.  

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  • Administrator
24 minutes ago, Cideous said:

^^^ Ouch.


I'm not so sure much of what this guy said was not true though?  I've been on these boards for the better part of a decade and I have strong feelings and posts about many issues concerning PA's, but none stronger then us needing, deserving and have earned a title change.  As far as being patient...I have been patient for almost 30 years....Change takes time?  Good grief, 30 years???  How much time do our elected leaders need?  The frustration represented in a lot of posts in the last few years are well founded.  Watching NP's blast past us at break neck speed, having to compete with them for jobs and losing out simply because admin's hire a "Practitioner" over an "assistant" because they don't know any better is pretty damn frustrating.  

I'm not saying that the admins here are not doing a great job policing the boards, they are and always have.  I'm just saying please be aware that the frustration with this professions lack of progress toward something as straight forward as a name change from "assistant" while NP's lap us is at times infuriating.   That's all.  Respectfully posted.  

Sorry if that wasn't clear enough: the account registered, and on the first day started a thread on OTP, and contributed to three other semi-related threads pushing OTP, with varying degrees of antagonism to NP autonomity; I've hidden most of the rest of the content, including him getting a warning from another moderator.

Supporting OTP is not an issue, nor is opposing it.  Registering a single-purpose account only for the purpose of advocacy is.

Oh, and to expand on my previous commentary: pseudonymity is also for protecting pre-PAs and PA students for much the same reason, and I didn't mean to leave anyone out by highlighting professional PAs needs in the professional PA subforum.

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