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My bonus was being required to work while the rest of the tribal offices closed due to a snow storm.  Clinic Director said we absolutely cannot close the clinic as she sits home on vacation. 


It was the best bonus ever and I eventually got home safely. 

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In past have had anywhere from  nothing (big hospital) to 10% of annual salary


As a practice owner I have decided that everyone deserves a bonus and the goal is 10% of annual salary


I have only one employee at this point (plus myself) so made it this year




In the past I found the trival (<$1,000) down right insulting......  One year after making 200,000+ profit for my employer I was very tempted to give back the $300 bonus check as it was insulting to be bonused the exact same and the LPN, front office staff, MAs, and billing staff.  That was one backwards practice....  I left and they hired a new grad to replace me that could only see 1/3 the patients I was seeing and they had to pay her more then I was getting, and provide a lot more oversight....  Not a smart move on their behalf (very senior partner centered practice, and a a PA I was in the same category as an MA)

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Well they found out last year we're in tremendous debt abd they messed up budgeting. They then spent millions on bringing in new corporate people to make soulless decisions and companies to fix budgeting issues, etc. So basically put us even more in the hole to hopefully come out of it, while also expanding the hospital by 25%

And patronizing us daily about donating to the cause. Your donation was my RAISE and MEAGER BONUS

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The best gift I got was personalized pint glasses with the name of my "in home brewery"  on them.  It was very thoughtful.  As far as production bonus that is part of my contract and not considered a bonus out of good will.  That is the money that I earned.



that is actually pretty cool



if you are getting an honest productivity bonus you are ahead of 80-90% of the PA's our there and honestly not sure a holiday bonus would be needed on top of this, but would be nice (as more money always is!)

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