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2016 APPLICANTS - post here!

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Ok!! 17 now :)  Awesome!


I personally don't think it means anything for whoever they have conducting the interviews each day... I think all of the interviewers are essential and have a big say of who gets accepted.  I like Dayne a lot- she is very well-spoken and sophisticated.  But for those who didn't get to spend time with her.... I honestly think it is simply because she doesn't have time to conduct 110, 40 minute interviews in one month.  Just my guess and two cents

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Petunia!! ^_^ Love this description of your interview and your positive outlook on how it was a fun experience rather than stressful and nerve-racking experience! I've been following these forums for a while and let me say... I've read some other posts where people post horror stories of their experiences in these PA school interviews... some of which seem to be bordering on post traumatic stress disorder due to their subsequent nightmares wherein they relive the trauma of the interview...


From what I've gathered by reading other people's posts about their PA school interviews on this forum, there seems to be a common thread which is this: there will always be the possibility of being thrown some sort of "curveball" question, or one person from the selection committee panel will be very pokerfaced and will very much be the "hardball" of the interview. In Andrew Rodican's book, "The Ultimate Guide to Getting Into PA School," he says these curveballs/hardballs are commonplace during PA school interviews, and he says that one of the hardest things to do is to simply remember that just by being invited to the interview, someone on the selection committee who reviewed our applications has, in a sense, already advocated for us to receive an interview... so essentially Rodican says the selection committee can be seen as advocates for our candidacies, however it is our final challenge to frame ourselves in the best possible way as being the best possible candidate to fill the vacancy.


For those who have time to read over the past MDC application cycle threads, you will discover that other applicants have said that the selection committee will oftentimes play "good cop / bad cop," .... and as a fair warning you will also discover prior applicants saying things that I will not repeat in my post due to the sometimes vulgar and often bitter undertone in which the prior applicants have conveyed their experiences, but what it really boils down to is this: sometimes the committee will play hardball characters or ask curveball questions to help with their decision, and although we should not discuss exact details of each and every question being asked in our interviews, it is safe to say that these hardball questions tend to frame us as if though we cannot handle PA school, such as when they asked a prior applicant who shared their experience on another thread in this forum  "why did you get a B in microbiology," or like when they asked Petunia about why she yielded a certain score on the entrance exam [(note: these are examples of when they point out flaws in our applications--which will normally always happen to the majority of us, even the best PA school applicants--yet even though they point out these flaws... their ultimate desire is not to repudiate our candidacy, but rather to offer an opportunity in disguise for us to own up to whatever it is they are pointing out and for us to ultimately redirect the direction of the conversation down a path that will frame us once again as a strong and worthy applicant who can, beyond any doubt, succeed in the program)]. The tricky part is removing any doubts they may have regarding our readiness to endure the tremendous metamorphosis that PA school will cause us all to undergo.


Hypothetically, imagine if they asked you about a B on your transcript... and rather than maturely own up to whatever happened and rather than re-frame yourself in a positive light... you instead said something that came off as blaming someone else.. or worse maybe you said you had a horrible professor... while maybe it was true that perhaps you did have a less than ideal teacher, can you imagine the impression that a response like that would leave with the selection committee? Rather than remove doubt, a response like that would instill many more doubts regarding our fit for the program, especially since a professor may be on the selection panel, and a response like that would basically convey to the professor that you are more willing to place blame on the professor rather than mindfully own up to your academic record and convey that you've improved since then. The reason why I use this specific example is because this was a real story from a thread on this MDC sub-forum that was posted a few years ago (actually the candidate posted two different interview experiences from the MDC selection committee, and both were very sad stories at that). The saddest parts of these stories were that the applicant was clearly unable to repudiate the negative framing of the hardball questions and was thus unable to transform those moments into opportunities for positive re-framing of their candidacy. In fact, I sensed a deep bitterness and resentfulness by the candidate in the way that their experience was conveyed in their posts, especially when the candidate began condescending and using inappropriate name-calling to describe members of the selection committee, which ultimately made me also question the legitimacy of their candidacy as well. The selection committee has super hard choices to make regarding who gets in and who doesn't, and it seems as though the responses elicited by these hardball questions speak volumes about a candidate's character, and so the responses to these hard inquiries ultimately become some of the major determinants on final selection. That's my opinion at least. =|


So Petunia, if you search these MDC forums, you will find exactly what I found, which is that any questions regarding our academic backgrounds is fair game and it is definitely possible to be asked something that basically frames us in a negative light!! Don't take these questions too personally!! Again, I personally feel as if though the true reason that the selection committee asks us these hardball questions is not to make us feel unworthy, but rather to give us an opportunity to maturely own our shortcomings and then to convince them that we are worthy and that we are ready. At least that's my outlook!! Therefore, one must be prepared to not only answer those curveball questions introspectively and take full responsibility for our past academic record, etc., but also to then flip the response to their question upside down and re-frame ourselves as a super solid candidate who can handle every single rigor of such an extremely rigorous and demanding curriculum. Perhaps there may be a bit of an art to re-framing hardball questions, but with some practice and perseverance, it is definitely possible learn how to repudiate any hardball/curveball with a mindful homerun response!!


To end this long winded post, just want to mention what Petunia said about technicalities!! If by the "second week of April" the selection committee meant the week of April 11th-15th, then as Petunia said we can expect another three weeks before hearing any callbacks regarding final selection.... but since April 1st is coming up this Friday..  ^_^  ..then maybe we can look forward to an early surprise during the week of April 4th-8th!! Jeepers... what a suspenseful journey this month has been. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Sunday and best wishes to all moving forward!! Stay optimistic everyone!!

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Natsci08, here are some links to some threads from 2011 and 2012. These are perhaps the saddest stories I've seen on the MDC forum, but after reading them you can see why it is so important to not only repudiate the negative framing of hardball questions, but more importantly to put your best foot forward and to show them the very best of yourself and how you've grown from your past experiences.


From 2011:




From 2012:




Browse these stories with caution and let it be a lesson on how not to view the interview process (i.e. cynical bitterness towards the outcome of the entire process, slandering of the selection committee on public forums, etc.)


Always keep a positive outlook, doing so will help you to be able to transform all rough life experiences into positive outcomes as long as you learn, grow, and embetter yourself by having gone through those experiences!

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I am so worried I dont know what i will do if I am rejected. I put my everything into this. Worked full time in hispital and prepare for all that was needed. Smh...this waiting is getting to me,but i will keep positive eventhough mmspac reading those past threads have me second guessing my position as a candidate,,,lol

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It's killing all of us. We are almost there guys. Keep having faith. The sad truth is that we are all qualified and passionate about this. So it's incredibly hard for them to decide. We have to keep pushing forward either way. It would be devastating to not make it this year but it doesn't mean we have to give up on our dream. We will all get there eventually. I'm praying for all 17 of us. Good luck guys. Maybe tomorrow is the day!!



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We're all so anxious to start hearing about callbacks! The suspense is definitely tangible, but fortunately my upcoming calculus, immunology, and physics exams are in the next two weeks, so hopefully the time flies a little bit while preparing for them!! Let's hope that next week we start hearing some feedback ^_^


@prepahope, I'm happy April is here too! It's my birthday month!!! Hooray!!


@natsci08, you made me google type A personality! Very interesting articles =)

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