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vaccines....what do you think?

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a comment from a preceptor many years ago that I remember in times like this....


"there ain't no cure for stupid..."



tah731 is a joker and a fraud - not only do they really have no clue as to reality they actually distort it to create their own new happy place.....


I say ban him....

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Show me the proof.




The average quantity of formaldehyde to which a young infant could be exposed at one time may be as high as 0.2 mg (see table below). This quantity of formaldehyde is considered to be safe for two reasons:

  • First, formaldehyde is essential in human metabolism and is required for the synthesis of DNA and amino acids (the building blocks of protein). Therefore, all humans have detectable quantities of natural formaldehyde in their circulation (about 2.5 ug of formaldehyde per ml of blood). Assuming an average weight of a 2-month-old of 5 kg and an average blood volume of 85 ml per kg, the total quantity of formaldehyde found in an infant's circulation would be about 1.1 mg, a value at least five-fold greater than that to which an infant would be exposed in vaccines.
  • Second, quantities of formaldehyde at least 600 fold greater than that contained in vaccines have been given safely to animals.

I'm sure that you'll pooh-pooh this info, though, by claiming that one of the most prestigious childrens' hospitals in the US is totally beholden to pharmaceutical special interests.

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So, the CDC, major medical research articles, independent research articles, etc...numbers after numbers proving the fact that there are cancer, toxic chemicals in vaccines and that vaccine efficacy is not there and that vaccines are "fast tracked" and not gone through proper clinical trials because people want more money...The numbers are there my friend, you just have not read them for a lack of ignorance and/or lack of drive and/or willingness to believe the truth that your past beliefs have been mislead by the government and big pharm. You have ZERO proof so you need to not discuss this issue unless you bring fourth proof...


just quoting you........

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It's disheartening that allegedly... a PA program somewhere allowed this clown in over someone else.


As this mindset will only attract discredit to OUR profession when this person either "poisons" a few practices who will no longer hire PAs and only NPs due to their experience with this fool... or gets a few Physician's sued because of the clearly OUT of the BOX concepts he/she holds incontrovertible/true.


If I was a preceptor for the PA prgram this idiot is "allegedly" in... I'd REFUSE to accept anymore students from that program if they didn't censure this A$$, fool, imbecile, jackass, mooncalf, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, simple, simpleton, softhead, tomfool, dope, gander, goose, cretin, ding-dong, dip, goof, jerk, nerd, schmo, schmuck, turkey, blockhead, bonehead, cretin , dimwit, dork, bubblehead, chowderhead, chucklehead, clodpoll (or clodpole), clot...


He/She is being trained and equiped to HARM a lot of people.

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he is entitled to his opinion even if most of us disagree with it...

I have seen up close and personal what happens to folks in developing nations who are not vaccinated. there will be no changing my mind on this...there is a reason vaccinations are required of folks visiting the US. we don't want their diseases over here. herd immunity is great but it only takes a few parents not immunizing their kids to set up a situation ripe for an outbreak....


True, he is entitled to his opinion... but is this the proper forum for him to express his views? By allowing him to post, you are legitimizing his ideas. He deliberately misuses and misinterprets data, presenting ideas based upon flawed methodology. If he has a valid statement, he can prepare an article, submit it to peer-reviewed journals, and publish it.


There are other sites (he can even make his own) where he can present his ideas. Currently, he is not making any valid points or rebuttals. He is essentially putting forth a veritable diarrhea of ill-founded ideas.

(not to mention he is claiming to be a PA student).

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Dude, I HAVE looked at your "articles". In every single one, you have misinterpreted the data that you so glibly bring up. You constantly and conveniently shift around numbers to support your hypothesis. Most importantly, you have not made one single coherent argument for it. NOT A SINGLE ****ING ONE!

You use a salesmans techniques of diversion and distraction to constantly weasel around each topic, never supporting anything.

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I just don't understand why you keep talking, Tim. No one is buying what you are selling and you must know they never will. The only logical thing I can think of is that you like to hear/read your own voice. The WHO, CDC, NHS, and every other legitimate epidemiological organization refutes that vaccines cause autism. Even if they did or caused any other problem, there combined numbers are no where near the amount that would die from infectious disease if it was stopped.


May God have mercy on your soul if you cause one person to get ill from preventable disease.


"Anyone who cares about autism, and particularly the supposed spike in autism in recent years, would do well to read this very informative, cogent, and non-hysterical OpEd by Paul T. Shattuck and Maureen Durkin. It is written on the occasion of a case before the U.S. Court of Federal Claims that’s investigating whether autism is linked to childhood vaccinations, as many parents of autistic children believe.


Shattuck and Durkin’s argument, in a nutshell, is that:


1. Vaccines do not cause autism, according to the scientific consensus;


2. There surely has been an eruption of documented cases of “autism spectrum disorder,” but this does not mean that autism itself is actually on the rise, as many people believe.


3. There are a variety of reasons for the increase in documented cases of autism and related disorders, including:


a. better reporting/diagnosing;


b. more funds available for treatment, which incentivizes parents to have their children diagnosed;


c. a much broader definition in recent years of what constitutes “autism,” including the reclassification of other disorders into the autism umbrella label.


If you have an autistic child or know someone who does, you may not be satisfied with Shattuck and Durkin’s article, for it may be more comforting to have a tangible villain, like vaccines, to blame for this disorder. And a tangible villain would certainly make it easier to prevent autism in the future. But you should still read the article with an open mind.


There is one point that Shattuck and Durkin didn’t raise, which I sometimes wonder about when people discuss a link between childhood vaccines and autism. Autism usually begins to present itself at about three years of age, by which time kids have started to get a lot of vaccines. This proximity may naturally cause many parents to link the two events in their mind. But just because one event happens shortly before another does not mean that the first even caused the second — as comforting, in a warped way, as that may seem.



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So, let’s just ASSUME that it vaccine only has 0.05mg of formaldehyde per dose with 40 doses within the first couple years of a newborn that would mean the baby was getting 40 doses x 0.05mg = 2 mg of formaldehyde within the first couple years of life. That is TWICE as much as Fat Albert stated in his GREAT hospital website, assuming the worst! It could be up to 4 times as much!


Half-life of formaldehyde in rat plasma is 1 minute. Try again, troll...I mean Tim. :;-D:

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OMG. I can't believe a PA program let this fool in. Please tell us where you allegedly go to school?


As a health care provider it is very irresponsible to preach the crap you are spewing. I can guarantee if myself or any of my family overheard any of this crap at the office you worked at then we would no longer be patients. You can also bet your a$$ that your supervising physician would know exactly why.


Are you really going to argue that vaccines have no proven efficacy? When was the last time a case of polio or smallpox was reported? The fact that providers like you are spewing this crap is why we are seeing increases in cases of measles, pertussis, etc... All it takes is one moron to listen to you and suddenly a 6 month old child gets pertussis. Ever seen what pertussis does to someone less than 6 months old? I'll give you a hint, it can be fatal. I would try to explain the whole concept of herd immunity to you but as a PA student I would hope you at least had 1 microbiology class.


As far as vaccines causing autism or any other health issues try again. That idea has been squashed by every study thst has been done. My favorite was the one done by Swedish researchers. In case you didn't know, the Swedish health system has an incredible database that contains every citizen from birth to death with a complete medical history. They were able to compile a list comparing those that received a vaccine vs those that didn't and found no difference in autism rates between the 2 groups. And no I'm not going to find the study for you. You apparently have all this free time so find it yourself.


As far as cancer your post was laughable to anyone with a knowledge of how cancer works. It's not an infection and no amount of exercise or changing your diet will cure it. If you knew anything about cancer and how its treated then you would know that the goal of some chemo is precisely to wipe out your immune system. Ever been to a bone marrow transplant unit? There is a reason those patients are in isolation. Perhaps you should pick up a copy of "The Emperor of All Maladies" before you start spewing your crap about cancer treatment.


It truely is scary if your are actually a PA student. God help any patients you treat.

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