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vaccines....what do you think?

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In 2000, 1 in 150 had ASD and in 2008 it is 1 in 88. What is it today? 1 in 50? What has changed over those years!? More vaccines!



Yes, that's the ONLY thing that's changed. Let's forget about advancing maternal age, changes in diagnostic criteria, etc. You'd make a terrible epidemiologist.


Repeat after me: correlation does not imply causation.

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Where is that study...



A now-retracted British study that linked autism to childhood vaccines was an "elaborate fraud" that has done long-lasting damage to public health, a leading medical publication reported Wednesday.


An investigation published by the British medical journal BMJ concludes the study's author, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, misrepresented or altered the medical histories of all 12 of the patients whose cases formed the basis of the 1998 study -- and that there was "no doubt" Wakefield was responsible.


"It's one thing to have a bad study, a study full of error, and for the authors then to admit that they made errors," Fiona Godlee, BMJ's editor-in-chief, told CNN. "But in this case, we have a very different picture of what seems to be a deliberate attempt to create an impression that there was a link by falsifying the data."


Britain stripped Wakefield of his medical license in May. "Meanwhile, the damage to public health continues, fueled by unbalanced media reporting and an ineffective response from government, researchers, journals and the medical profession," BMJ states in an editorial accompanying the work.








One more time; there is no link between vaccines and autism and the findings of the quack named Wakefield were conclusively proven to have been faked so that Wakefield could make money.


"# Some in the anti-vax movement claim that the MMR has/had mercury in it. However, the MMR vaccine does not and never has had any mercury in it.


# The basis of the “MMR vaccine causes autism” argument is a flawed study (retracted by The Lancet on February 2, 2010) by Andrew Wakefield, who had several ethics breaches, including failure to disclose financial compensation from a lawyer representing families claiming MMR cause their children’s autism, failure to disclose financial interests in patents for MMR alternatives, failure to include data which contradicted his conclusions, use of contaminated samples to support his conclusions.


Furthermore, on January 28, 2010, Wakefield and two of his co-authors, John Angus Walker-Smith and Simon Harry Murch, were found by the UK.'s General Medical Council to have acted irresponsibly, dishonestly and not in the clinical interests of the children involved in the study . The basis for this decision included, among other things, colonoscopies, MRIs and lumbar punctures (spinal taps) when such procedures were not clinically indicated. On May 24, 2010, the General Medical Council issued a determination that Wakefield and Walker-Smith were guilty of professional misconduct and should be erased from the Medical Register in the U.K. (meaning that his license to practice medicine in the U.K. has been revoked). "


Number of preventable illnesses since 2007: 76875


Number of preventable deaths since 2007: 710


Number of autism diagnoses scientifically linked to vaccines since 2007: 0


"During a question and answer session after a talk I recently gave, I was asked for my opinion about the vaccine/autism controversy. That was easy: my opinion is that there is no controversy. The evidence is in. The scientific community has reached a clear consensus that vaccines don’t cause autism. There is no controversy.


There is, however, a manufactroversy — a manufactured controversy created by junk science, dishonest researchers, professional misconduct, outright fraud, lies, misrepresentations, irresponsible reporting, unfortunate media publicity, poor judgment, celebrities who think they are wiser than the whole of medical science, and a few maverick doctors who ought to know better. Thousands of parents have been frightened into rejecting or delaying immunizations for their children. The immunization rate has dropped, resulting in the return of endemic measles in the U.K. and various outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases in the U.S. children have died. Herd immunity has been lost. The public health consequences are serious and are likely to get worse before they get better — a load of unscientific nonsense has put us all at risk."


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That is fine about the study, but where are all the studies that show it does not cause ASD?


Where are all the studies that show women do NOT get pregnant from accidentally swallowing watermelon seeds...??? So watermelons MUST be the cause...


Also I can tell that YOU are a neophyte... because if the LACK of RCTs that you mention above is causing you to lose sleep at night.. just QUIT the "alleged" PA program you supposedly attend now. Why..???


Because there are NO RCTs on 99.9% of all the medications we use on children and Pregnant women... but I'll let you figure out why.


This is the last time I'm going to respond to you on this because its just gonna get ugly from here... cause I don't tolerate stupid long...

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That is fine about the study, but where are all the studies that show it does not cause ASD?

Are you insane?


Where are the studies that show sucking your thumb doesn't cause autism? Lots of kids who suck their thumbs are later diagnosed with a spectrum disorder. Where are the studies that show eating Gerber rice cereal doesn't cause autism? Lots of kids who start off eating it are later diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.


It's the same thing. Just because some kids who are vaccinated are later diagnosed with ASD doesn't mean the vaccines caused the problem. If that original faked report had never been published we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now, because the idea of vaccines being causative agents for ASD would seem as ridiculous as thumb-sucking and rice cereal. But because that charlatan's "research" has now permeated public awareness, even people who should know better (like PA students) are promoting this nonsense.


Ugh. Greenmood out.

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There are also more hybrid cars now.. I think that's what causes autism...Yup hybrid cars... Even sounds guilty hy-brid


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nope, justin bieber music listened to by pregnant mom's...no wait, that's an increase in suicidal ideation

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. Just answer the simple question and ask yourself if you would risk your body to 15+ vaccines with toxic chemicals in them? Also, I could again prove to you the numbers (efficacy) is not there, but just answer the simple question and post what you would do.

in the last 6 months I have had vaccines for typhoid, flu, yellow fever, meningitis, hep a, tetanus/diptheria/pertusis, and rabies(x3).

so yes, I would. I really don't want to get rabies or meningitis when I travel to Africa so I am willing to be injected with multiple approved vaccines which have gone through fda trials and been given to millions of people.

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I was in the military as a medic for a while in a often deployed Airborne unit. We got multiple injections at least twice a yr...

Then... I've traveled and spent extensive time (90days-18 months) in the Middle East and Africa several times within the Last 5 -7 yrs... and gladly took ALL recommended innoculations. Then went over there and watched people and babies suffer as a result of NOT having them.


So YEAH... I take vaccines and my entire family has also.

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pretty sure I know what tetanus, cholera, typhoid, measles, malaria, pertusis, diptheria, etc look like...last time I checked these were caused by things you could see under a microscope, note by eating bananas....

ever seen someone die of tetanus? it's not pretty...they lose the ability to swallow and you try to keep up with ng tube feedings...and generally lose that battle...oh yeah, it generally is a kid under 5 who gets affected......unless you have seen the ravages of preventable infectious diseases up close and personal I would not be so quick to dismiss vaccinations.....small pox no longer exists in nature and we are getting close on polio..know why? vaccinations...or maybe it's placebo effect, right?

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Again, avoiding the question...but any who, would you inject yourself or family members with all the KNOWN cancer causing agents that are in vaccines? There is mounting evidence that GMOs are being blamed for ASD. The proof of GMOs causing all these diseases that were not seen and/or very limited 2 decades ago should tell you something. There is NO point in arguing with you about vaccine vs. ASD because it is simple. WOULD YOU INJECT YOUR BODY WITH ALL THOSE KNOWN CANCER/ALLERGEN CAUSING AGENTS? That is the simple questions and I bet you 99.9% would say NO if they knew what was in those vaccines. You don't even have to look at the PHARM companies doing their own research projects (lasting 1/4 of the time what an independent study would do) or all the money, lying, cheating, etc that goes on. Just answer the simple question and ask yourself if you would risk your body to 15+ vaccines with toxic chemicals in them? Also, I could again prove to you the numbers (efficacy) is not there, but just answer the simple question and post what you would do.

What do General Medical Officers have to do with any of this?

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in one of my global health courses we have to design a health system for a fictional nation the size of texas with a population of 15 million in the developing world. we have 500 million to spend between several categories.

I spent 50 million on vaccines based on "stats" for the exercise which say this would prevent 2.3 million deaths/yr( which basically saves the lives of 1 in 7 members of the population).

after you can get infectiuous diseases under control there is an epidemiological transition and folks start to die of western maladies(heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc).

interesting stuff.

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Exactly. Moderators can we ban this clown?

he is entitled to his opinion even if most of us disagree with it...

I have seen up close and personal what happens to folks in developing nations who are not vaccinated. there will be no changing my mind on this...there is a reason vaccinations are required of folks visiting the US. we don't want their diseases over here. herd immunity is great but it only takes a few parents not immunizing their kids to set up a situation ripe for an outbreak....

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