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Question about per diem work

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Hey all,

Recent grad here and I've been in talks about per diem work for a second ER. My question is how your scheduling works out between your FT and per diem.

I've been under the impression that a schedule will be available to me for the per diem site, and I pick up any available shift at my leisure. But this doesn't seem to be the case so far.

I've been asked to guarantee 3 shifts a month including one weekend shift, plus a summer and a winter holiday every year. I talked that down to just one guaranteed weekend shift per month.

Also, my FT job hasn't published a schedule for August yet but my per diem job is asking me for my availability. They're used to publishing the schedule early and have asked me to put in request for a couple days. I'd rather not get into the habit of making requests for 3 days every month and jeopardize not getting time off when I actually need it.

Any input is greatly appreciated.

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I worked a FT and 1-2 per diem jobs most of my career.  Most have been nice and asked my availability after I had my FT job schedule.  Occasionally, I would have to sign up for my per diem and then I put in requests off at my FT job.  This was usually FT ER.  So, I just wasn't scheduled on the day I requested off and was put on other days.  So, I didn't lose any hours. 

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Recommend you set firm boundaries with your schedulers, especially the one at your PT job.

To the PT scheduler:  "I will work when my schedule and your schedule line up.  That's it."  

To the FT scheduler: "I need my schedule to be set, in firm clay, by the Xth of every month so I can fulfill my commitments at other job."

BTW - you NEED time off.  I work locums/PRN at several places and I could easily work every day of every month. 

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Per diem place is trying to have it's cake and eat it too. This isn't true per diem they are offering but actually a part time fte if they are asking for a guarantee of time from you. So if you pursue, you should understand that 1. You should have access to other benefits they may offer part time employees such as retirement contributions. 2. These situations never work out well when one is holding down a full time fte. You will run into conflicts about time within 6 months. True per diem is you tell them when you are available and the scheduler puts you where and when you are needed. If they have no needs, then you have no extra work.
Good luck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Both EDs are going through changes as new CMGs won contracts at each site. I'll monitor the situation every month and act accordingly.

Even the one guaranteed weekend shift monthly is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. It makes me feel that they want me to come in just to improve the FT PA/NPs quality of life. 

If my wife complains about it, family will have to come first.

Thanks for all your opinions!!!!!! 

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