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NPR article about NP residencies

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Most of NP I know don't want to do a residency. The reason why NP is attractive to some RNs is because of the online programs and that is why they will not do a residency. Now, I know a lot of PA students would like to pursue a residency/fellowship, even pre-pa students are talking that.  I wish this article is about PA not NP, simply because there are more of residency trained PAs out there. 

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The article said ' In a regular clinical appointment, "I would have been given 20 minutes with him, and would have been without the support or knowledge of how to treat pain or Type 1 diabetes," she says."


How is that?  I thought they were already an NP?  NO knowledge, or support to treat DM1, or pain?


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4 hours ago, MidwesternTexan said:

The article said ' In a regular clinical appointment, "I would have been given 20 minutes with him, and would have been without the support or knowledge of how to treat pain or Type 1 diabetes," she says."


How is that?  I thought they were already an NP?  NO knowledge, or support to treat DM1, or pain?


500 hrs of family medicine clinicals...I did more than 500 hrs on my first rotation of 8.....

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