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What is One Change in Healthcare that You Would Like to See in 2016?

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I am thinking reasonable things that possibly could start to change this year . . . and how can we start the change?  


Today I am contacting my congressman (as I have many times)this time,  about requiring health insurance companies to pay for prior authorizations and other such paperwork. Making it a billable and payable code.

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Today I am contacting my congressman (as I have many times)this time,  about requiring health insurance companies to pay for prior authorizations and other such paperwork. Making it a billable and payable code.

I never complete FMLA paperwork, for instance, without the patient present in the room.  May only be a 99213 visit, but I make sure to document that paperwork is the chief complaint if, in fact, it is.

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A universal EMR, or at least the ability of different EMRs to seamlessly communicate.

The amount of work we put into getting records from outside providers is a huge burden. It also leads to potentially serious errors due to second hand info or misinformation.


We should be able to get immediate, accurate info on any pt that arrives at an ER or clinic in about 5 mins.

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-Stop using patient satisfaction scores

-Eliminate and outlaw prior auths for medications and imaging

-Cash payers should get a substantial (50% or more) discount

-Eliminate meaningless use and return to SOAP note-style documentation

-Repeal the ACA penalty for those who do not have insurance. Unconstitutional.

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Insurance companies need some kind of check-and-balance system that will keep them from abusing us, the prescribers, and the patients.  They are driving healthcare while their CEOs sit on fat stacks of benjamins buying political votes and not caring about the people they are supposed to be serving. 


To expound on this I think ALL insurance companies should have to answer to a heterogenous board of civilian directors---50% providers and 50% non-medical laypersons---plumbers, firemen, small business owners, etc. This board should be large, appointed by public vote and have ultimate veto power over insurance companies' decisions. They should also be vetted for having absolutely zero financial or political conflicts-of-interest.

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Tort reform. Why is it that anyone can sue anyone at any time with inpunity. If I sue and lose... so what... I lose nothing. How about we change the laws to make it if you sue and lose you pay the defence expenses. That might help even the playing g field.


Second, health ins. Have no answers, only know it's broke and obomacare hasn't helped, just made ins. More expensive. (Thanks I'm now paying over 700/month, an increase of greater then 200/month over last year). It should be noted that none of my family has ever used our ins. So I'm very happy to be paying.... on top of all the other taxes..... for others ins... I guess I'll keep that second job.

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I find ACA interesting. The idea was that, by requiring everyone to have insurance, capitalism would take over and drive prices for policies down. After all, this is the case for gasoline, video games and financial advisors, rights? Plus, what other law requires citizens to purchase from a private entity but offers little to no oversight to that entity?


One change? True health insurance reform. I'd like a cap on profit for insurance companies. Make X percent of revenue in profit, be forced to either pay more or charge less. Or, incentivize health insurance as a regulated not for profit entity.

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We need a national conversation on health care vs. insurance without the partisan bickering and slant.  


I don't see it happening ever. 

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I find ACA interesting. The idea was that, by requiring everyone to have insurance, capitalism would take over and drive prices for policies down. After all, this is the case for gasoline, video games and financial advisors, rights? Plus, what other law requires citizens to purchase from a private entity but offers little to no oversight to that entity?


One change? True health insurance reform. I'd like a cap on profit for insurance companies. Make X percent of revenue in profit, be forced to either pay more or charge less. Or, incentivize health insurance as a regulated not for profit entity.


1) There is now greater oversight of the insurance industry than there was before the ACA (ex: no more denying for pre-existing conditions and the elimination of rescission.) 


2) The ACA does put a cap on insurance profits. It is part of the MLR provisions.




If I was to make a change, it would have been to allow people to buy into a public option for insurance like Medicare (in a tax neutral way) or to open up the FEHBP to everybody. Use the power of aggregation to help drive costs down.

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My tiny little wish - can I please sign for home health, diabetic shoes and whatever else I still can't sign for without hassle?...............................................


My big wish - everyone had health care and reimbursement was reasonable and uniform. I don't want to be a millionaire - just pay me a fair wage for having to know a lot about a lot everyday all day. This whole reimbursing for results is a load of horse puckey - I don't go home at night with my patients and if they don't stop smoking that is not my fault.


Now, back to my regularly scheduled family practice day......

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