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Naturopathic Physician - The Natural Doctor

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Guest ERCat

I literally did a rotation at a naturopath school and it was the worst month of my life. LOL. One class I sat in on involved putting medication bottles on a patient chest and pushing on his arms to determine if the medication worked or not. A poor lady with hydradenitis suppurativa came in with an axillary  abscess. The students and teachers talked about this thing for an hour, trying to understand what herb cream would work best for it and I wanted to scream DRAIN THE THING (nope, no I and D was done). I watched students learn how to do something called pranic healing where they wave hands in the air trying to reshape the patient chi and then throwing bad energy into an invisible fire on the floor. One time the students were talking for an hour about a young and healthy patient with an EKG that said sinus arrhythmia at the top and were discussing cardiac interventions. I was like “That is normal in a young and healthy person” and they looked at me like I was dumb and said “NO, it’s an ARRHYTHMIA!” I wish I could take that month back. At least the kale juice they sold in the cafeteria was good.

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3 hours ago, Boatswain2PA said:

Your pa program had you do a rotation with a witch doctor?

As much as I'm likely to get flamed, I have to say it's actually a good idea - this way we can at least hide the wide eyed, "I just saw a 4 headed alien" look we all get when the patients come in and tell us what these folks have done.  It also gives the student an idea of some of the stuff that's used (the good, bad and the ugly) to treat real and imagined maladies that people have and the alleged why. 

Forewarned is forearmed and know your enemy sort of stuff.



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New Business Idea!!

One of my dogs is a Lab mix - I can offer LAB TESTING - let her sniff folks over for a fee and then interpret her findings.

I have cats - I can do CAT SCANS for a fee and interpret the cat's findings as well.

Then, if my wind chimes make a certain noise - we have confirmation......................

Holy Crap - now back to my full moon Monday................. Happy Week Everyone!!

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On 4/27/2018 at 12:34 PM, sas5814 said:

I haven't done a deep dive into it but my reading puts naturopathy in the total quackery category. It isn't new. Generally they eschew medical research, immunizations, medicines and surgery in favor of "natural healing". that is a catch all for a number of things that have either been totally disproven, hasn't been proven, or can't be proven.

A friend of mine saw one (when he didn't know what he was seeing) who struck a tuning fork and put it on his (my friend's) forehead while he (the doctor) touched various vials he had in a case that contained different substances waiting for the vibration that would provide the diagnosis. The diagnosis? Heavy metal poisoning. The actual diagnosis? Vertebral artery stenosis. Close but no cigar!


Yes but was AC>BC or ... ? 

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