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Reality Check's stories have some good ideas but I'm certainly not that bold!  


Most seem to support a direct approach.  What is the worst that can happen?  They make my shift miserable?  Oh wait, it already is. 


Although in retrospect I can't always claim we are falling behind/patients piling up, etc.  One shift they sat in the break room for 4 hours... 4 hours.  I only saw 12 patients in that time, all nicely spaced out so at no point were we backed up but boy did that boil my blood.......  I'd love to make 2x my salary to surf facebook on my phone. 


And no, this doc is not an owner.  I know that upper management/owners are aware of the issue and I suspect it may be resolved if additional staffing resources join the group.  I just happen to have two shifts with the offending doc this week..... one of which will be at the end of a 7 day run for me.... so I suspect my patience will be low.  


If the patients complain about the wait, I might just start handing out business cards with my manager's email and asking them to please email their complaints (I am certain management will know the problem on that day was not me). 

so I once worked a busy 12 hr shift with one of our slower docs. we were both always "busy" seeing pts of same acuity from same rack.  I saw 52 and he saw.......8....yup, he was just dragging them out and taking forever to write his charts...

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so I once worked a busy 12 hr shift with one of our slower docs. we were both always "busy" seeing pts of same acuity from same rack.  I saw 52 and he saw.......8....yup, he was just dragging them out and taking forever to write his charts...


Yikes! One of the (few) good things about EMR is that it is pretty easy to track workflow.


I used to work overnights with a doc like this. He would never dispo anyone. Afraid to pull the trigger. He would sit on 8 patients all night, then order a bunch of labs/CTs right before shift change and sign them out to the incoming doc.

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I work in an environment where it is always 1 doc/1 PA. Like everywhere, some of the docs are great while some are.... well less than great.


How do you guys deal with the docs that basically leave the PA to do most of the work? I'm talking about those docs that disappear into the break room for hours while the patients pile up and you break your back working.


Just smile, do your job well and assume karma will work out in the end?


I got fired from a job for challenging a jerk moonlighter doc like that. We'd come in for sing-out in the morning, and he handed (me) a piece of paper - AFTER we had already split up the rounding among us, with him sitting there - I said, "what's this?" he said, "it's consults. go see them", I said, "well, when did the consults come in? he said, "that doesn't matter. just go see them". I said, well, sorry, but we're rounding now. and those are your consults if you go them on your shift". he got in my face and was yelling "I AM THE PHYSICIAN!!! YOU are the physician ASSISTANT!!" etc. one of my PA colleagues, upon hearing this, joined me and we pushed back, telling him that he had no place talking to us like that bc HE was a MOONLIGHTER (lol)". I just said, "c'mon, let's go round" to my colleague and we left. dude went nuts.


I filed a complaint about him and he spread poison, I got fired. complete ass-hat. he spent all his nights and weekends in the physician break room in a king bed watching bollywood movies and then handing off his consults. I'm sure he'll be a fine doctor. and he'll get sued, but he'll know how to hand it off and get somebody else's a$$ in a sling.


PS I then had to sue the locums company that placed me in that wonderful job bc they tried to cheat me out of $1000s in OT pay. I won 




oh - and PPS - I found out later the hospital acknowledged to one of the PAs I worked with that they made a big mistake firing me. vindicating, and nice to know. I figure they probably needed the moonlighter (night coverage) more than me, and I was charging a fat rate. so there ya go.

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Yikes! One of the (few) good things about EMR is that it is pretty easy to track workflow.


I used to work overnights with a doc like this. He would never dispo anyone. Afraid to pull the trigger. He would sit on 8 patients all night, then order a bunch of labs/CTs right before shift change and sign them out to the incoming doc.


Yeah, Emed, with the amount of bureaucracy in health care these days and the ability to track with EMR, I think this doc would be out of a job. In fact, the powers that be might even hire two PAs for the positions since they could pay us way less for more productivity.

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Guest ERCat

In ER I work with a ton of different docs. Most of them are great and split up the work nicely, but others will hand me EVERY level 4 and 5 patient that comes in the door. I don't work specifically fast track - I see all patients. I get that they may find it more efficient for me to see the quick in and outs but it annoys me when they think they are above taking a sore throat or abscess and hand it off to me even when they're doing nothing. This happened last week... I was carrying five patients and the afternoon doc was carrying about ten, and the evening doc had NONE. His scribe came over and handed me the charts of another two patients. I just said to the scribe, "How many patients do you guys have right now?" Then pulled up the board and said "Hmmm, zero..." He kind of got the hint. It's annoying they do that in the first place.

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ERCat -


I hated that when I was in ER. Some docs were arrogant and decided what they would see and when.


Meanwhile - I saw everything. The most arrogant female doc wandered in late to her shift and I was already there with the day doc. He and I were EACH RUNNING A CODE - mine was anaphylaxis to keflex and his was an MI gone bad. 


She actually sat down and asked where everyone was and why there were charts in the rack. 


The charge nurse opened the door to my code and said - "well, she is a tad busy" and so is Dr. B - Here - room 5 has been waiting the longest and you were late anyway". She walked away with the doc holding the chart with her mouth open. 


You can't fix lazy and arrogant in some folks. Not fair to the patients at all and not fair to those of us who actually work......


Karma - can't control her but she is watching.....................

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There is a way to fix lazy and arrogant...unfortunately it's often terminal to asshat in question and results in a Criminal Code offense on your record...


Army guys get what I mean ;-D.



In ER I work with a ton of different docs. Most of them are great and split up the work nicely, but others will hand me EVERY level 4 and 5 patient that comes in the door. I don't work specifically fast track - I see all patients. I get that they may find it more efficient for me to see the quick in and outs but it annoys me when they think they are above taking a sore throat or abscess and hand it off to me even when they're doing nothing. This happened last week... I was carrying five patients and the afternoon doc was carrying about ten, and the evening doc had NONE. His scribe came over and handed me the charts of another two patients. I just said to the scribe, "How many patients do you guys have right now?" Then pulled up the board and said "Hmmm, zero..." He kind of got the hint. It's annoying they do that in the first place.


What's annoying is he didn't have the testicular fortitude to hand them to you himself and sent his squire, oops, scribe to do the big boy work...



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IT was a picture of really awesome big girl panties and my cut and paste didn't work.......


another media fail by old person on computer

 I was going to post this picture myself, but when I googled "big girl panties" a pop up box told me to stay at my desk until the IT police arrive to take me away.  That's what I get for doing this at work!

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We had a doc like this who barely ever had any patients (everyone would have 8-10 and he has 2). Eventually every one rallied together and it was addressed. Now there's the facade that he's seeing a lot of patients, except hes just had the same 10 patients all day and makes 5 phone calls/consults per chart, keeps slowly adding labs/studies and just won't dispo anyone. I've also noticed he signs up for people in the waiting room so now his name is on someone that wont even be back in a room for another two hours. So he has 12 patients on the tracker but isn't doing a whole lot of anything. Some things will never change.

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