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Thoughts on USNews & World Report PA Rankings

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"All the health rankings are based solely on the results of peer assessment surveys sent to deans, other administrators, and/or faculty at accredited degree programs or schools in each discipline. All schools surveyed in a discipline were sent the same number of surveys. Respondents rated the academic quality of programs on a 5-point scale: outstanding (5), strong (4), good (3), adequate (2), or marginal (1). They were instructed to select "don't know" if they did not have enough knowledge to rate a program. Only fully accredited programs in good standing during the survey period are ranked. Those schools with the highest average scores appear. "


Not exactly an external, objective assessment.

Also, includes only graduate programs.

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Guest guthriesm

I picked schools to apply exclusively based on where I wanted to attend. One school I applied kept touting their score from 2006 - it actually somewhat turned me away from them (they became my second choice). So ranking actually discouraged me from a school.

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Haha I sorta did that too. Narrowed down the schools based on states that I would actually move to then narrowed it down further based on the schools themselves


I picked schools to apply exclusively based on where I wanted to attend. One school I applied kept touting their score from 2006 - it actually somewhat turned me away from them (they became my second choice). So ranking actually discouraged me from a school.
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It really should depend on whats important to you


For me location was definitely number 1...I know if I couldnt live there for two years, I would be miserable in my program and who wants to be misearble for 2 yrs?


Out of that list I looked at the pre-req requirements and if I was willing to meet them--certain programs just had certain pre-reqs that I was not going to go out of my way to take for that 1 program.


I also looked at the strengths and weaknesses of my application--substandard GRE/above average HCE so I looked at programs out of the remaining that played to those strengths and weaknesses.


From the remaining programs I narrowed it down based on qualities of the programs themselves i.e. PANCE scores, mission statement, number of elective rotations and qualities unique to the program (special clinical rotation opportunities, special programs, no thesis, ect.).


Some things are more important to some than others, some look at cost.....for me that did not become a consideration until I was accepted to two programs with a considerable cost difference and even then it came down to the above qualities and how I felt when I visited the school, interacted with staff/faculty/current students and the location

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Is it wrong that I am glad the two schools I am considering are ranked relatively low? Maybe fewer 20 somethings straight out of high school applying?? I'm probably dreaming, but it gives me hope.


that maaaaay be true if they dont have some sort of 3+2 pre-pa type program


I interviewed with a program that had lots of doogies howsers....Im not even sure that the one that took us on a tour was old enough to drink lol

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3+2 programs are good for some I do believe, maybe not yourself...But they are good...Some of us actually got some medical experience and practiced medicine under the guidance of a Surgeon for many years. Some of us did not have all the time in the world to go to college full time and sit on here and respond to every post that is posted. Some of us actually were saving lives in combat zones before we could finally apply to PA School. So a 3x2 program is perfect for some of us...

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I interviewed with a program that had lots of doogies howsers....Im not even sure that the one that took us on a tour was old enough to drink lol
HA!!! That's hilarious. I've been choosing schools (going on round 3 here, after all) that #1) have a mission that meets my professional goal, at least initially (rural med), #2) who will accept online classes, #3) PANCE rates, #4)location
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excuse me? it seems that I may have struck a nerve somewhere and if I did Im pretty sure its because you simply misunderstood me so let me clarify:heheh:


I may not have been in the trenches but I certainly havent simply been a full time student and spending my days here without a care in the world. I have always worked full time, gone to school overly full time, raised a child by myself full time (still raising her btw) and during my free time I come here and post and have been doing so for a few years (met a lot of great people got a lot of great advice). while I havent had the blessing of working with a surgeon I certainly commend you for having the chance. sorry I havent been out in the combat zone dodging bulletts either BUT if it makes you feel any better my packet is in and Ill be ready to go once I get my -C :kiss:


as for my 3+2 comment.....if you read the comment I responded to the person alluded to the fact that lower ranked programs wouldnt have a bunch of young students applying HOWEVER at programs that have pre-pa routes and direct entry programs (i.e. Gannon, Setton Hall, UNE, Drexel, Dusquene ect) typically referred to as a 3+2 program aka 3+3 for some programs aka 5-6yr direct entry, those students will typically be younger and why? because the majority are coming straight out of high school. anyone that as read my posts will know that my only issue with direct entry programs is the cost as I applied to quite a few as a transfer student got in and turned them down because of the cost.




3+2 programs are good for some I do believe, maybe not yourself...But they are good...Some of us actually got some medical experience and practiced medicine under the guidance of a Surgeon for many years. Some of us did not have all the time in the world to go to college full time and sit on here and respond to every post that is posted. Some of us actually were saving lives in combat zones before we could finally apply to PA School. So a 3x2 program is perfect for some of us...
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Um... so I was making a slightly self-deprecating joke?? Read: I hope the people with really great stats read USN&WR rankings and decide the schools I want are beneath them! (I'm talking about the girl with a 4.0 and copious volunteering and blah blah blah perfect stats etc. because she decided that she wanted to be a PA her jr year of HS and has been compiling the goods to do it since then- as compared to my less than stellar first 4 of 12 years of undergraduate and general drifter-ness that got me into EMS and ultimately interested in PA)

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Don't worry....I got the joke....:wink:


Youre going to see lil doogie hawsers everywhere:saddd:I intereviewed with some and was thinking "gosh...what was I doing at 22?" obviously NOT applying for grad school lol:;;D:




Um... so I was making a slightly self-deprecating joke?? Read: I hope the people with really great stats read USN&WR rankings and decide the schools I want are beneath them! (I'm talking about the girl with a 4.0 and copious volunteering and blah blah blah perfect stats etc. because she decided that she wanted to be a PA her jr year of HS and has been compiling the goods to do it since then- as compared to my less than stellar first 4 of 12 years of undergraduate and general drifter-ness that got me into EMS and ultimately interested in PA)

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Um... so I was making a slightly self-deprecating joke?? Read: I hope the people with really great stats read USN&WR rankings and decide the schools I want are beneath them! (I'm talking about the girl with a 4.0 and copious volunteering and blah blah blah perfect stats etc. because she decided that she wanted to be a PA her jr year of HS and has been compiling the goods to do it since then- as compared to my less than stellar first 4 of 12 years of undergraduate and general drifter-ness that got me into EMS and ultimately interested in PA)


Hey, take heart, at least they'll be relatively intelligent ... although it did get a bit grating after a while, dealing with Kelly Kegger and Billy Blackout ... I found myself craving classmates my own age who I had more in common with, but that's life. It was a great lesson in learning to deal with all types of people in a situation of close association.

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Your right, I did not mean it to come out harsh like that at all, I am one of those who just says what he believes, and Yes I know that I am in for a rude awakening in PA School with all the fresh faces, but on the other hand I am going to be welcoming it with open arms. Sorry for the misunderstanding folks.

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