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Tattoos in the Workplace

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Every place I have worked in healthcare required all tattoos to be covered completely and at all times.

In the same idea, all piercings other than single in each ear were to have the jewelry removed or covered.  Earring could not dangle if the employee interacted with patients (not always strictly adhered to by some of the female providers I've worked with).

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Half of my VA coworkers are Vets and we have plenty of tattoos showing all the time. 
The dress code says something about profanity, lude nature, racist etc but we have a ton of ink on display and most is pretty cool. Often a conversation starter. 

I don’t think nose piercings are ok at work and we can’t wear logo Tshirts except official military branches or the VA. A few guys have the big ear piercings with the donut ring things and no one has said anything.

A PA I work with is sleeved and it shows - very nice piece and good color. No issue there. 

Tattoos are so ubiquitous now - can’t see many places being able to mandate hiding them all.

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A colleague has a full sleeve and full upper back/shoulder tattoo and she wears a white coat to cover it in her current job due to hospital policy. She was not required to cover it in her previous role in ortho. No issues with overall employability to my understanding. I also had a previous student with a full sleeve who kept it covered except for cases, obviously. I didn't require it but the school policy did. She didn't have issues with employability post-grad to my understanding.

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I work family practice and have tattoos on my legs that show if my pants are too short. I also have a nose ring (not even just a stud) and have had 0 problems. While i was in school though, as nd on rotations, i NEVER showed my tattoos and i took my nose stud out all the time. I'm conservative with stuff like that so i would just cover it until you year yay or nay feom wherever you end up.

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On 2/7/2020 at 8:51 AM, DarwinStarwin said:

I work family practice and have tattoos on my legs that show if my pants are too short. I also have a nose ring (not even just a stud) and have had 0 problems. While i was in school though, as nd on rotations, i NEVER showed my tattoos and i took my nose stud out all the time. I'm conservative with stuff like that so i would just cover it until you year yay or nay feom wherever you end up.




LOL Just kidding 😄  

I think it really does depend on the setting you practice in.

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