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Daily Stupidity and burnout......(Satirical)

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Okay, for all of my experienced colleagues...how do you deal with the feelings of burnout? What do you do? Do you dance? Do you howl at the moon?


(Caution the following paragraph may seem indigant...warning posted for those with no sense of humor, this is a satirical rant)


Cause, I gotta tell ya....I'm getting more cynical by the hour. I actually had a patient present yesterday with a zit....an f'n zit....When I told them this, they said....."Really, I didn't know you could get a zit when you were in your 50's".......I felt like yelling...."you are literally too stupid to live"......


I also see a number of drug seekers, I used to dread them, but now, they're kind of funny...they often have great stories, and most of them won't die on you.....except, when they aren't funny....After trying nicely to tell one recently that there was no way he was ever going to receive a narcotic prescription from me, E-Even if he was dying....I finally had to tell him literally....."GET OUT!" and then call security.


Another one had joint pain since 1977....Of course, I was expected to completely workup and treat his joint pain of 44 years on a Saturday in the ED........Do you have a regular doctor? NO...OF COURSE NOT...How could I be so silly as to think such a thing.....


Another one presented to the ED, cause she has back pain....of course she is 400 pounds. When I remark that perhaps she consider a weight loss plan, she gets upset and her friend says I hurt her feelings....I remark under my breath that the truth is sometimes painful....


I remarked yesterday to several of the attendings that I thought that the entire medical community has lost it's collective mind. They laughed....but I don't think they thought I was serious. I am. We're all nuts....every single one of us.....


Maybe the Fat Man was right. The longer I practice, the more I see the truth in his message.....


(obligatory math)


Law #7 Age +BUN = lasix dose



3x5 cards....that's where the money is.



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If you're thinking of using The House of God as a guidance to medical practice then FOR SURE you need to prescribe anal mirrors to your patients. Dr. Jong's Anal Mirror, wasn't it? Can't find my copy to quote directly.


OH yeah...I think it was Dr. Jung....


1000 bonus points to anyone who can recite all 13 laws WITHOUT looking them up. LOL...

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not sure of the order and not sure the phrasing is correct but here I go with a few


you can't find a fever if you don't take a temperature

gomers go to ground

gomers never die

at a code, take your own pulse first

placement is first

sometimes giving good medical care means doing as little as possible.


like i said, sure these aren't exact but close maybe??

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There've been a couple of points in my career where I've started to feel toasty. Some things that have helped:


- Keep smiling; nothing annoys the hell out of a patient/obnoxious family member/supervisor like a big s@#t-eating grin


-Consider what your life is like compared to that patient. You get to deal with a 400lb unemployed patient on 5 different chronic pain medications for an hour or two, and they annoy the hell out of you, but at the end of the day you get to sign out and go home to a hopefully somewhat pleasant life. That person gets to go home to life as a 400lb unemployed person spending your life in constant search for 5 different chronic pain medications, 24/7, 365. I can suffer any fool as long as I know at the end of the day I can go home to my wife and kids, put my feet up, and relax.


If you job has flexibility, try for a change of scenery. My achilles heel was working fast-track in our main ED. Tons of patients, lots of ridiculous chronic problems and seeking, with very little help. I eventually got out of working any shifts there and worked nights covering trauma in the ED, which helped, and now I'm primarily in our small satellite ED. I love the patient mix there, have a good amount of autonomy, and see some great pathology; makes for a more satisfying day.

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Medic 25, you hit that nail on the head. Working in Fast Track is like Dante's inferno.


I'm going to get business cards made up that state "practice limited to the care of morons."




I start off every shift in Fast Track TRYING to be caring and empathetic....really, I do....but by the end of the shift, they have beaten it right out of me. ....


Sigh, I wish I had the option of NOT working Fast Track...unfortunately, I don't. Not unless I leave EM.

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I can relate physasst, I work in FP, but am beginning to see the signs of burn out too. I actually had a man bring his 17 year old son in a few weeks ago so I could tell him to mow the lawn! seriously! The boy was a straight a student and is going to be valedictorian, so no behavior issues, other than being a typical teen. I encourged family counselling so that dad/son could work on communication skills. I think I'm getting bogged down with the drug seekers...a daily issue, that wears you down day after day...I'm thinking I should go into a different area, maybe a specialty??

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BTW PAMAC, my husband is a cop and he says that my job is more stressful than his ! :-) And many of my patients do carry weapons I'm sure....I carry pepper spray in my lab coat. A local physician here was killed by an irate drug seeker here just last year, so the drug seekers are more than just an annoyance, can be dangerous...

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I would be a cop in a heartbeat.


I love those cop shows where four of them dogpile on some horse's hiney and billy club him while they all scream "stop resisting!!!"


Imagine if there were actually some consequences like that for non-compliant patients. Four of us could dogpile on a non-compliant patient and let PA students practice clinical skills. I bet we could really rack up some LPs and rapid sequence intubations...

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  • Administrator
does your husband let you win when you play basketball one on one as well? jk. im surprised there isnt more violence due to drug seeking. you have addiction fueled people, and folks with a profit motive for obtaining pills. its just a matter of time before you see people kidnapping pharmacists and jumping providers for an rx pad.

All the pharmacists I'm on good enough terms with to know about it, carry concealed pistols for precisely that reason. Mind you, that's a pretty small n, but take it for what it's worth.

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just got back from 4 ddays in a house on the gulf...3 story pole house on the sea wall...looking out the three sets of double doors l...all i could see was the water...stay naked all you can drink some beer and wine , eat good food when you want and veg out.. do absolutely nothing for 4 days. I come back to the ED and feel restored....then i keep telling myself, each and every one of "them" is a child of god. I get paid very well and want that to continue. too many complaints about me( i am legendary here for complaints) as well as over the top praise from many and requeats fo0r my practice (i have none). jsut the ed. stay the course, it is good work that we do.

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I am always worried that my frequent exposure to stupid /dumb people, will lead me to believe that I'm smarter than I truly am! My PA peers/co-workers never use the phrase " you won't believe this patient/person's complaint" because after all these years we know just how outrageously dumb folks can be. I can go home or on vacation to get away, these folks live with who or what they are!!!

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