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I'm working on my PA school applications and was checking out Stanford. 

Turns out, I'm a pretty good fit, especially given my HCE. 


I'm just a little confused as to how exactly their program works and what degree(s) I'm going to come out with. 

Ultimately I want my Masters, but it's a little confusing seeing their Masters option comes from another school AND is online. 


Does anyone have hands-on experience with this? 





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It looks like the program is definitely accredited to grant a masters (Master of Medical Sciences).  Odd though that it's only 21 months and not granted by Stanford.  I'm not sure how much of the program is online, but you'll definitely want to call them to ask all these questions.  Their admissions reps can give you far more reliable info than forum members here.  Good luck, and report back! 

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The Stanford program awards you a certificate through Foothill College. If you want to coplete a Masters, you can concurrently enroll in the St. Francis online program (which I'm assuming is just the extra curriculum that is missing from the Foothill College/certificate program). But really the best way to get the most accurate info would be to call the program.

Of note: I have a friend who completed the Stanford program and he walked out with a masters through St. Francis & is doing quite well as a surgical PA in CA.

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The Stanford program awards you a certificate through Foothill College. If you want to coplete a Masters, you can concurrently enroll in the St. Francis online program (which I'm assuming is just the extra curriculum that is missing from the Foothill College/certificate program). But really the best way to get the most accurate info would be to call the program.

Of note: I have a friend who completed the Stanford program and he walked out with a masters through St. Francis & is doing quite well as a surgical PA in CA.

This is not entirely correct, you get a Certificate from Stanford SOM, you can opt for an AS in Primary Care from Foothill but it's optional. There used to be a BS track with San Jose state but that's gone now I think. The MMS is through St. Francis as LesH stated. The reason why Stanford doesn't grant the masters, or the Bachelor's for that matter, is cost to the student. The program is under 60k. If it were a MS from Stanford it would likely cost 6 figures.


Edited to add: I think Stanford is planning a masters though. A bunch if us alumni were invited to a panel discussion on the topic. I didn't attend so I don't know what transpired or what the decision was.


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Thanks for the more accurate info Joelseff... I had looked into this program many moons ago and was fumbling through what I remembered about it (probably not the best advice to dole out).

No worries. The "Stanford/Foothill" throws everyone off.


To the OP I have to say it is an excellent program and very fast paced. Now it's 21 months but when I went it was only 16 months. Very tough and VERY old school. The hospital and surgical rotations are top notch and the faculty are great. I got the Cert and the AS and then went to ATSU for my masters my first 2 years of practice and skipped the Bachelor's. A few PCAPers have now gone this route. All in all my loans are under 50k for both PA school and my masters. Now I guess it's 10k more at Stanford due to the longer curriculum. Still a very "cheap" option. If you have a Bachelor's and do the 5 class option for MMS through St. Francis it's only 5k more IIRC


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Thanks for your replies! I feel a lot less confused now. I understood the concept, but wanted to hear from people with direct experience. Stanford is the only school I'm applying to that isn't through CASPA and doesn't fit the normal curve, so I was a little hesitant. But then, it's Stanford, and still my top choice school.

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