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End of first year, heading into clinicals.

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This past year has been the hardest year of my life. That is saying a lot- I am 49... this year only I have dealt with a parent with CLL, a parent that I am the primary care taker for develop A-Fib, with fast response, pacer, and complications from that. I have had my daughter and husband give birth to a beautiful boy over 700 miles away, my husband has lost his job, (2 weeks into the program) and not found employment therefore-(well, 'nuff said,) son heading to college, with all this going on creating stress and response for him and...


I made it thru this didactic year. There are times I am not sure how, nor even looking back, things were so crazy that i spent a lot of time clawing on the end of a big knot in a rope that was quite frayed. I feel as if finally am recovering and am seeing some sort of light. A few of you have been such support, some fellow classmates are on here, (and how sad is it that FB was a source of support???) to me outside the forum, and I really appreciate it.


So, yes, you CAN do it. If you get in, you CAN finish. There will be days that you feel like heading to bed and never getting up, but...keep kicking. You'll get there. I did and it was against all odds. On to CLINICALS! YIPPEE!!!

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