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IMG looking to get into PA School

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I am a U.S. citizen who went to medical school aboard and have passed all 3 of my USMLE steps but having very difficult time getting into residency. I was wondering if there is a PA school known for taking in foreign medical graduates. I also did my 3rd and 4th year clinicals in the U.S. and was wondering if that can be used as pre req hours.


thank you

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You went to school to be a physician--Caribbean, obviously, based on doing your clinicals here, so clearly with an eye to practice in the U.S.  You did all your tests to be a physician.  Why would a PA program spend a slot for you when you're already trained to be a doctor?


Out of curiosity, I wonder if the popularity and availability of PAs (and NPs, most likely) is causing residencies to look even more askance at Caribbean med school graduates.  That is, since so many people who belong in med school are instead matriculating into PA schools, is there an assumption that people who can't get into any US/Canadian medical school are truly not worth admitting to a residency? I'd really be interested in seeing how residency placement trends have compared against the rise in PA school slots.

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Out of curiosity, I wonder if the popularity and availability of PAs (and NPs, most likely) is causing residencies to look even more askance at Caribbean med school graduates.  That is, since so many people who belong in med school are instead matriculating into PA schools, is there an assumption that people who can't get into any US/Canadian medical school are truly not worth admitting to a residency? 


Nope...there just aren't enough residency slots and the problem will be even worse for FMGs with the rapid expansion of med schools and no additional funding going out for residencies.

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Do a search. Similar trend in the past. You passed all steps at one sitting and could not match not even at FM program? Then, the devil is in the detail. Wouldn't border applying to PA program. Your chances are slim to zero. Might takes you another roughly four + years. DO program a viable option to redirect your ship. I know lots of program that would take on carribean grad. Friends had done it. Or re-apply next circle. For the time been, work as an MA. You"ll be surprise working as an MA could open many doors.

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Nope...there just aren't enough residency slots and the problem will be even worse for FMGs with the rapid expansion of med schools and no additional funding going out for residencies.

Ah... I did a brief search on the topic, and found http://www.studentdoctor.net/2013/05/residency-match-2013-was-it-really-that-bad/ from last year.  PA schools aren't the primary cause of "problems," increased US MD graduates, relative to the number of residency slots, seem to be.

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Not sure this particular point has been address, but to the original poster, no PA school will let you matriculate in to their program just because you went to a medical school- you have to make sure you take all pre-reqs, apply to the program and interview like everyone else.  Plenty of FMG's around the world have done just this to become PA's in the US.  No extra credits are given because you are trained as a physician- you have to start at the beginning like everyone else.

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Read the link. True. It was the most competitive year to match. EM that was once never competitive has become so competitive this year. To the OP. Re-apply or go DO. PA school should be out of the equation. No preferential treatment. Don't expect one. Connection! Connection!!

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Sorry for misunderstanding my post. I am willing to do the pre-req course which most of them I had done before going off shores for medical school. I just wanted to know if I can use my 3rd and 4th years for the hours required. Also I dont mean to say PA are inferior to MD, I personally had worked with a PA during one of my clincal clerkship and he knew as much as the attending.The competiton for residency is fierce especially for IMG and I did not perform well on my USMLE but still passed all of them  on first, I also applied to 200+ program all primary care field and still did not match.

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Sorry for misunderstanding my post. I am willing to do the pre-req course which most of them I had done before going off shores for medical school. I just wanted to know if I can use my 3rd and 4th years for the hours required. Also I dont mean to say PA are inferior to MD, I personally had worked with a PA during one of my clincal clerkship and he knew as much as the attending.The competiton for residency is fierce especially for IMG and I did not perform well on my USMLE but still passed all of them  on first, I also applied to 200+ program all primary care field and still did not match.

Oh, didn't think you were dissing PA's at all, sorry if it sounded like I thought you were.  I think you're kinda hosed by the realities of matching, but I'm guessing you're not SO hosed that you'd be better off with a different program.


Generally, though, no, clinical hours are not HCE hours.... but clerkship hours might be treated different by different adcoms.  In your position, I would stay the course and try the match next year, or alternatively go get a medical license outside the US and work there for a while before trying again.  I think either doing PA or DO would be a redundant waste if you're already competent enough to pass all three steps on the first try.

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Redundant. Yes. Total waste, not necessary. Going to another country and practice, then, come back to the US. Bad adverse. It won't change a thing. The OP still would be subjected to same requirement obtaining a medical license in the US.


Going PA or DO...going either way, worried about additional debt, I tell you this, not much of a difference.


You may have a hard time getting into PA school. Not saying you can't. It's not as easy you think. And, do not think it's only two years. By the time you apply, complete the required HCE which the total # of hours are school dependent, maybe waitlisted or denied admission etc etc plus actually starting in a PA program it may takes you 3-4yrs to complete. Maybe less than that. Just an estimate. You may or may not be allow to start in the didactic year right away.


Given the above. In your shoe. I would pursue the 3 yrs DO program in NYC or any DO sch that will accept you. I know you may be thinking that going PA you will start earning higher salary than what you would earn as a resident. True. But, a total BS. I rest my case. No more post on this topic. I don't get pay to do this. Sometimes i wish i knew what i know now. My 2c. G/luck.

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