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Anyone Losing Insurance due to ACA?

Guest Paula

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My husband is losing his insurance due to his plan being sunsetted because of ACA and the state we live in.. SO far the plans I have looked at on the exchanges are 50 - 100% higher premium with high deductibles.  We will not qualify for any subsidies and we are not required to apply through the exchanges for that reason.   I was only able to get on the website anyway for a brief moment and will not go back to it even when it becomes functional.


I was able to get the cost breakdown from his insurance plan who is sending information links.   I am not happy with the changes and am not sure what we will do yet.  We liked his plan and had flexibility and it covered what he needed.


In my  opinion the ACA is a huge mistake and not written correctly in the first place and needs to have a common sense approach to helping uninsured find REASONABLE priced insurance...even those of us in the middle class. 


My employer does not offer any spouse or family insurance. 


ACA is  a plot to take the middle class hard earned dollars and turn them into tax subsidies for others and to destroy the middle class.  IMHO.   (My conspiracy theory)




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I am hearing this story a lot more than I am hearing about someone uninsured getting cheap insurance. My barber's plan is going up from $400 a month, 100% covered after deductible to $700 a month, 50% covered after deductible. Myself, I am covered through Tricare. Cheap, just hard to find a provider that accepts it....

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I have several friends who lost their individual policies because of the ACA, but are getting more comprehensive coverage for a lower premium through the exchanges. I suspect they are being given subsidies and it is definitely working out for them. However, it seems there will definitely be a segment of the population that won't immediately benefit from this. There needs to be discretion for issuing subsidies for those who would be harmed by the ACA.

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Thankfully my family and I will not lose our insurance for now.  Until our premiums go up so much that my employer can no longer afford them.  My dad ( a self employed farmer) can no longer continue his plan due to ACA and am sure his premiums will go up.  He told me one reason is his plan does not provide reproductive coverage.  Because a 62 year old man needs this. He said he is going to pay the penalty for the 3 years until he gets Medicare (scary).  It seems that this is just more welfare.  Increase the cost for the middle class and give it to the poor.

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I would say this is the beginning of the end, but it is probably more like the middle of the end.


American society right now is pretty much where the Roman Empire was when it started falling. Enjoy the bread and circuses. The barbarians are at the gates.





Thankfully my family and I will not lose our insurance for now.  Until our premiums go up so much that my employer can no longer afford them.  My dad ( a self employed farmer) can no longer continue his plan due to ACA and am sure his premiums will go up.  He told me one reason is his plan does not provide reproductive coverage.  Because a 62 year old man needs this. He said he is going to pay the penalty for the 3 years until he gets Medicare (scary).  It seems that this is just more welfare.  Increase the cost for the middle class and give it to the poor.



This is sadly the case I am seeing all around me as well.   

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I am unable to purchase insurance on the exchanges due to having a plan provided by my wife's employer. But... out of curiosity, I thought I would see how much some of the plans were.

It turns out that many of the policies provide the same coverage we get through my wife's employer, but with a significantly lower cost. And this is without any subsidies.


If my wife were able to take the entire amount of her current insurance premiums (employer + employee contribution) and apply it on the exchange, we could get the exact same plan for $4k less a year. The sad things is, it would even be the same insurance provider.


Same insurance company. An almost identical plan. Huge savings.


Go figure.

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No. I am in Oregon.

I'm sure some of the premiums on the individual-market went up. But that is irrelevant to what I am saying. We don't have an individual plan. We have an employer-provided group policy.

What I am finding with the exchange is that the prices are significantly lower for a nearly identical product that we get through work.


The benefit to employer-provided insurance is that it allows for aggregation and for a better negotiating position to get lower premiums.

But what happens when the participation in the exchanges offers better aggregation and better prices? You would think more people would use it. Unfortunately, it is "illegal" if you have employer-provided insurance.

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That's not entirely accurate. Probably about 40% of it is probably funds we are borrowing from China. Heaven help the next generation because they are either going to die in starvation or work as slave laborers for a foreign overlord. 

AH...yes....China!  The Favored Nation. 

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Thankfully my family and I will not lose our insurance for now.  Until our premiums go up so much that my employer can no longer afford them.  My dad ( a self employed farmer) can no longer continue his plan due to ACA and am sure his premiums will go up.  He told me one reason is his plan does not provide reproductive coverage.  Because a 62 year old man needs this. He said he is going to pay the penalty for the 3 years until he gets Medicare (scary).  It seems that this is just more welfare.  Increase the cost for the middle class and give it to the poor.




hating the ACA and waiting for Medicare to kick in and save the day....... hummm  the universal payer system is better then this hodge podge of private insurance companies that the gov't is trying to regulate..... why not just lower the eligibility age by 5 years every year and cut out the private insurance companies that are skimming 30% off the top???

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@ventana:  Thank you!  I , for one, will cheer the day insurance companies go out of business.  Or at least marginalized to things like concierge care, elective surgeries, etc. 


Medicare operates with a 3-5 % overhead, unlike the at least 20% of BC,Aetna, et al.  For a look at Big In$urance through the eyes of an insider, whistleblower Wendell Potter, read "Deadly Spin."  This man had a great job with Cigna with six figure salary, and could no longer live with what he saw on a daily basis.  I actually met him. Very brave, noble man.


Vermont is on track to go to Single Payer in 2017.  I predict other states will follow.

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cbrsmurf:  Do you mean your wife would have paid MORE per month if she had to get her own coverage?


Pre-ACA my wife would have had to pay at least $600/mo for mediocre coverage due to her heart condition

Post-ACA $250/mo slightly better coverage


Doesn't matter to her since she has always had medical through her work

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