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  2. PA is considered STEM (science, technology, engineering, medicine). Not sure what "OPT" means in your post. If you already have a masters degree, you would get another in a US PA program. As far as VISA sponsorships, etc, I have no idea.
  3. Congratulations on your acceptance, that’s very exciting! When did you interview and when did they call??
  4. Today
  5. I randomly got a last minute interview at a different school and was accepted! I hope everyone on the waitlist gets in
  6. I was accepted anyone know how to gain access to the Facebook group? Or if there’s a GroupMe
  7. :(( Im so shocked!! But they are so nice for refunding us!
  8. I got recently got accepted in the PA program!!! Can someone please send me the group me link as well! Thanks
  9. I'm planning to apply again ASAP because they've shortened the cycle and it now closes in December. If I don't get in or get waitlisted I still wanted to be prepared.
  10. I have not heard as well, I as well will post if I hear anything! Goodluck to you!!
  11. I hadn't thought about it. I really didn't even know about it since I pulled out of policy stuff a few years back. I have, occasionally, gone to a conference just to socialize and not to attend the conference. Because of work the 18th is likely the only day I could be there.
  12. Hey all, any other movement from the waitlist recently?
  13. I was accepted from the interview on 4/17!
  14. Hi, I was under the impression that you would hear the following week post interview. They called me yesterday and offered to do an interview on Thursday. Do you have any advice for preparation? Was the interview a specific format?
  15. I am just curious who will be going. Not looking for a debate on the AAPA positions, but just want to see if I can actually meet some of the people who have been posting for the 20 years I have been on this forum. I hope to meet Rev this year as I missed him last year. I will be there for the weekend and then back to the grind.
  16. I haven't heard anything either. I will be withdrawing my application since I have received other interview invites.
  17. Does anyone know if st. Pete class is full yet? Got waitlisted in March so wondering if I still have time to hear back.
  18. yes! I got an interview call this past Saturday and interviewed with them Monday. We will know if we got accepted May 10-15 with a phone call and email. They are doing interviews this week yet.
  19. Probably a good guess. Along with hyper-regulation and insurance monopolies
  20. That's pretty much all of corporate healthcare these days, event the so-called "non-profit" places.
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