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Closed Club  ·  134 members

PAs for Tommorow

Closed Club

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About This Club

PAs for Tomorrow is a professional group of PAs committed to the idea that the PA profession must present itself accurately, as autonomous professionals, to survive and prosper in the future medical care marketplace. We believe that every PA must be represented by a title that accurately describes their full worth. We believe in action, terminology, and legislation that will remove barriers to PA practice, allowing us to provide our care more effectively and more efficiently. We believe our profession needs quality research that quantifies our full impact in the medical world across our varied scopes of practice, both in primary care and specialties. We believe in fair reimbursement for all clinicians, regardless of their title. PAs impact and benefit the lives of millions of patients each day, both across the United States and throughout the world. It is time for our profession to show it. Let's Work Together To Ensure Our Future. (Club now open to both PAFT members and allies)

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