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. I'm fuming about 10 year panre/pance changes, aren't you!?

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Guest hubbardtim48

Makes no sense, but it is a free country. I thought it was called physician assistant forum & not nursing or NP forum. Just my outlook.

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Guest hubbardtim48

Ummm... have you seen where I am going to school? Look it up and let me know from 1972-2006 ONLY RNs were accepted...My wife is in nursing school and is going to PA or medical school so whats your point....? I am more knowledgeable about nursing going to PA school because of my school and have talked to several RNs in my class on why they went to PA school and not NP school. Try harder to put me down, but you need to do your research before you speak...Look a little further down and you will see UND class of 2014 :)


Gods play....

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At least I can understand/correctly spell English et Latin words. Yes, the red line that is under all your misspelled words, same as microsoft word. Why don't you join your NP crew on another forum et quit harassing us PA people. God bless.


Everyone is welcome on the PA forum (barring trolls/spammers), especially those who are knowledgable about PA education and the profession.

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Guest hubbardtim48

Never put anyone down, just stating a fact that I learned from my classmates and wife. I will never be a nurse so I have to rely on other peoples opinons about nursing school and my classmates and wife are as good as I have at this point in my life.

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Go put your supreme knowledge base to use et help "US" PAs out. It is a win/win for everyone. All PAs are happy et you can show everyone how smart you are by fixing the problem. :)


Quid in terrae perseveras in usura "et" in latina continue, facit vobis videtur quasi malum caricature ...

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Do you know what else is required in the ten year cycle? If you did, you may not be so eager to jump into it right away....


Once again....I feel our profession is moving backwards, not forward......but that's just me...this is just extra work for an already overworked PA dash C...

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Wow....what a fun thread!:;;D:


Like PAMAC, luvs me some Contrarian. He is a breath of fresh air with winds often gusting up to 100 - 150 mph.


In response to the original post that started this thread: I will be taking the PANRE in 2013. I am not remotely ticked off that I will have to recert again in 6 years. In fact, I am quite happy not to have to deal with the BS required for the 10 year recertification cycle for several more years.


What happens if you take panre in 2013 how does this affect your cycles in the future compared to taking in 2014 I graduated in 2008 I think I can take it in either year if I want what are the upside and downsides to this

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What happens if you take panre in 2013 how does this affect your cycles in the future compared to taking in 2014 I graduated in 2008 I think I can take it in either year if I want what are the upside and downsides to this


You enter the 10 year cycle not based on when you take the exam, but when you were due to have your exam, or IOW, when your certification would expire. So, if your cycle ends in 2014, it wouldn't matter if you took it in 2013, you would still start the 10 year cycle.


If that makes sense....

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Never put anyone down, just stating a fact that I learned from my classmates and wife. I will never be a nurse so I have to rely on other peoples opinons about nursing school and my classmates and wife are as good as I have at this point in my life.


LOTs of PAs on here have been/are nurses...


quid instare in esse obtusi ...?? Commentarius de rebus tibi prorsus. Vos loquentes ad fluminis et priore nutrices de nutrientibus et aestus longterm et experti Paas de professionem VOBIS sunt nova. Reddit te videre assinine

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Guest hubbardtim48

How am I being foolish for asking my classmates and wife on why they want to become PAs instead of NPs? I stated that I am not a nurse nor will ever be one so how am I suppose to understand why RNs are going toward PA instead of NP? Try typing your sentences in something that I can't read because I really don't want to read what you have to say. Also, your autocratic ways are becoming stale.

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Is anybody concerned about this PI-CME? I see very little discussion regarding this new upcoming requirement. Some of my concerns are that I can think of off the top of my head right now:


How many patients should be enrolled in this activity? How long should this study be conducted for (followup in 1 month, 1 year)? Can I use a retrospective study from my hospital's previous accumulated data? My supervising physician is a chief of service and has severe time constraints; this activity would be extremely onerous if it required my SP participation.



More on PI- CMEPI-CME is active learning and the application of learning to improve your practice. This can be done in partnership with your supervising physician and others in your practice; everyone can work on and get credit for PI-CME together. PI-CME involves a three-step process:• Compare some aspect of practice to national benchmarks, performance guidelines or other established evidence-based metric or standard.• Based on the comparison, develop and implement a plan for improvement in that area.• Evaluate the impact of the improvement effort by comparing the results of the original comparison with the new results or outcomes.Like self-assessment activities, many physician organizations are already offering this type of CME. The American Academy of Pediatrics' EQIPP program is one such example. It offers PI-CME on topics including diagnosing and managing asthma, immunization, and differentiating between and managing GER and GERD; EQIPP modules are free to PAs who are members of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The American Academy of Family Physicians' METRIC program includes modules on asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary artery disease, depression, diabetes, geriatrics, hypertension and immunizations for high-risk adults. PAs can participate in a METRIC module (in partnership with a supervising physician, if desired) and fulfill the 20-credit requirement for just $25.In anticipation of the approval of these changes to the certification maintenance process, AAPA staff members have been working for months to ensure that more physician self-assessment programs will be available to PAs. They also have agreed to integrate the identification of an activity as self-assessment CME or PI-CME as part of the Category I CME approval process.AAPA is also working with NCCPA and others to identify viable options for certified PAs who are not practicing clinically."Throughout discussions about these new requirements, NCCPA leaders have been very cognizant that our process would need to make appropriate allowances for PAs who aren't practicing clinically," said Mark Christiansen, PhD, PA-C, NCCPA chair elect and director of the University of California – Davis PA Program. "We've discussed a number of approaches to this and appreciate that AAPA agreed to spearhead discussions about the most effective ways to include non-clinicians in the new certification maintenance process."The outcome of those discussions is expected later this year and will be announced in a future NCCPA Newsarticle.

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