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MPH vs DMSc for advancement

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Hi all,

I am currently holding a bachelor's degree for PA, been working for 7 years now. I am at this stage debating whether getting a MPH degree vs DMSc (ATSU and RMU so far seems to be the only option that accepts applicants with BS) would be a better option for career advancement. Would love to hear any inputs from anyone who has done either one. Thank you!

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What type of advancement are you looking for?  Admin?  I did a DHSc program a few years ago and had no luck getting into hospital admin with years of prior admin/leadership experience.  Nobody knew what the degree was and I don't think they cared either.  One interview they specifically said, "but you don't have an MBA"...So, I'm going to pick up a cheap MBA and see what happens with that.  I'm glad I did the DHSc, and got a lot out of it, but it currently doesn't get me anything different compared to the other PAs in my group.  

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