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Butler DMS spamming!

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Is anyone else getting spammed hard by the new Butler DMS program?  I have been receiving promotional emails multiple times per week going on 3 weeks now...anyone else?  I get they are "proud" (quoting the one I received today, but I also feel that this takes away from the program.  If it was so great then why advertise like this?  Personally I find it annoying...

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5 hours ago, mgriffiths said:

Is anyone else getting spammed hard by the new Butler DMS program?  I have been receiving promotional emails multiple times per week going on 3 weeks now...anyone else?  I get they are "proud" (quoting the one I received today, but I also feel that this takes away from the program.  If it was so great then why advertise like this?  Personally I find it annoying...

Surprisingly no, and I asked for information. A while back I did get spammed by Lynchburg. They even cold called me once.

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It seems to be a universal business model. I inquired about a MS program in a computer field a year ago and then balked because of the cost and the number of unrelated classes they wanted me to (pay for) take. They still email me once a week and called me as recently as last month.

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