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Is it OK to volunteer at a pet shelter?

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I posted a question regarding volunteering before... So, I was trying to get into a hospice or a place with kids, but they all want a commitment of at least 4 hrs a week, and I can't promise that. I'd like to volunteer twice a month, not 4 times a month.


Do you think it would be OK to volunteer at a local pet shelter instead (they offer very flexible hours)? Just so there will be some community service on the application :smile:


I work in the hospital + I am a home health aid, so I do have HCE...


Thank you!

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have you tried something like your local(human) homeless shelter or free clinic?

as a former adcom member at 2 programs I can't see giving any weight to non-human related volunteering. Imean where do we draw the line? " I spent almost 8 hrs helping to glue flowers on to a float for the rose parade".

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have you tried something like your local(human) homeless shelter or free clinic?

As a former adcom member at 2 programs i can't see giving any weight to non-human related volunteering. Imean where do we draw the line? " i spent almost 8 hrs helping to glue flowers on to a float for the rose parade".


+10 dkp...ha!

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I posted a question regarding volunteering before... So, I was trying to get into a hospice or a place with kids, but they all want a commitment of at least 4 hrs a week, and I can't promise that. I'd like to volunteer twice a month, not 4 times a month.


Do you think it would be OK to volunteer at a local pet shelter instead (they offer very flexible hours)? Just so there will be some community service on the application :smile:


I work in the hospital + I am a home health aid, so I do have HCE...


Thank you!


There are many areas where community service is needed and appreciated. While your work in the shelter would be community service, it wouldn't lend towards your patient care experience. That being said, not everything in life has to be related to health care of humans! But for now, I would go with emed's suggestion of a homeless shelter/soup kitchen, if possible. Or else just find the time ... 4 hours a week really isn't too terrible a commitment.

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I volunteered to help a buddy of mine move into his new apartment... Does that count?

Seriously, I'm with EMED, where is the line drawn? And, was the OP's question real? I mean, come on....


Yes, the question was real. I don't see anything wrong with the question.

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Another adcom member's perspective: it might look nice for altruism, but we might wonder whether you were really sure you wanted to work with people. That said, I love my critters more than I like most people, and I take care of people all the time....

So yes, volunteer at the animal shelter for the feel-good give-back aspect, but understand it will not substitute for any human patient care experience, and if you are deficient on direct (human) patient contact hours (<500 bare minimum! 1000-2000 is much better) we will wonder why you didn't spend your time with people.

Good luck.

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Some people might think I'm crazy, but I volunteered 50-60 hours doing adoptions for an animal shelter and put it on my application. I had 7,000 patient contact hours, but the shelter was my only volunteer project and it was important to me so I listed it. They ADCOMs will either think I'm well rounded or crazy. I'm willing to take a small risk. :)

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I would suggest having as much human HCE as possible, however, I think it's an excellent way to volunteer your time. I personally worked with an animal rescue group, and even fostered several dogs over the past couple of years. I did not include this in my application, but I did have the opportunity to mention this during my interview, and I believe it was viewed in a positive light (I was accepted and will be starting classes in a few weeks). However, I also had plenty of health care experience as I am a Respiratory Therapist. Either way, I think it's an excellent way to spend your time, but make sure you get in as much human HCE as possible first...Just my 2 cents! :)

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  • 1 year later...

I gotta ask too, sinse this topic came up... The school I'm applying to (MEDEX) encourages volunteer work "within your community" & does not seem to specify that it be health related; so, I did my volunteer work at the elementary school down the street because they had an obvious need for assistance in the classroom, & I worked nights & was free to help out during those hours. I agree it's not as glamourous as having volunteered at Harborview, but is this really going to hurt me, even if I have over twenty years of HCE to demonstrate my commitment to healthcare?

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