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Invited to interview but failure to launch, extend of .PS rewrite?

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(Excuse the typo in the header - prematurely submitted)


Invited to interview but failure to launch, extent* of PS rewrite?


Hi all!


Since the application cycle is set to open next week I have many questions going through my head - mostly what to change about my application since I received interviews but got put on alternate lists this round. I have read over and over you are not supposed to submit the same PS next cycle, and I will update it, but I am guessing it does not need a complete overhaul if it got me interviews the first time around? I am just thinking out loud at the moment...I know you need to see it before you give me specific feedback on the statement and I will follow this up with the statement later tonight. Thanks in advance for any responses.

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  • Administrator

You would be thinking wrong.


Change your approach. Think outside the box. Demonstrate that you're not just sitting still. Improve it!


If I were screening applicants and I came across a re-applicant that had substantially the same PS as last year, I would round-file the application. Your lack of effort and initiative would conclusively demonstrate to me that you are not PA material: adjusting to criticism and life-long learning are two key part of this profession, and you would have just failed both.

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My advice.. I don't know when you last read your PS. I honestly haven't looked at mine since my last interview in Feb and cant remember more than the first line. Regardless, take a few months off until you forget it. Then START OVER. Sit down, pen and paper and write. It doesn't matter how long or short, just write some sections. After each secession, put what you wrote in a folder, then wait a week or two, and do it again. Do this a few times over the next few months to see what you come up with. Then, bring out all of those drafts and highlight the things that you like about each paper. Work on putting together aspects of what you like, combine them, and then see what you are missing. The key aspect is completely forgetting your first one. I honestly wouldn't even look at it until you have plenty of new ideas.

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Different perspective...


Most applicants don't even get a interview so I'm thinking that the P.S. was ok (should still probably re-write it from scratch) as it got you "IN THE DOOR."


Personally, I'd be looking at improving my presentation at the interview.

Cause to me, it seems that your writing got you an invite into the Foyer... then something about your physical presentation didn't get you invited back into the livingroom. So I'd say.... re-write the P.S... but focus most of your work on your interviewing style/presentation/attire/conversation/etc.

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I would have to agree about rewriting the essay, however, I believe that the concepts behind it should be similar. The reasons why you want to become a PA should not change. The only thing that should change are the new experiences you had that strengthen your ambition to become a PA. Also, you should describe about what you have done to improve your application since the last cycle. Such as if you took more classes to improve your gpa or gained more direct patient care hours... etc.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the same question...I am also a re-applicant and have heard that you should never use the same PS as the previous year...but if the subject of the PS is what motivated me to become a PA, then I'm confused as to how to change it up since the original motivation for me hasn't changed...I don't want them to think I'm just making something up to sound good on paper :/

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