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To: Emergency Medicine Physician Assistants

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I am currently working on my undergrad and I am beginning to think about what area I want to work in as a PA. I think emergency medicine would be very interesting. I am also considering taking the EMT-B course to help me decide if emergency medicine would be right for me. Are there any PA's that work in emergency medicine that could tell me what a typical day looks like? Do you have the opportunity to work closely with patients doing hands-on types of procedures? Or is it mostly ordering tests, evaluating patients, and referring them to doctors?

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  • 1 year later...

Anyone with any advice on negotiating with EMcare? This is the 3rd group in 4 years to get our HCA contract....happened to be at the end of my previous contract...so I have a little time to figure out a few things. Very high volume, fast paced HCA ED, mid levels treat it all...no express care or FT....appreciate any input

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EMcare is used to using PAs in a fast tract in many of their EDs. My first job was with emcare so I had no negotiating leverage at the time so I can't help you there.


But an interesting tidbit about emcare is that they will pay all mid levels (but not

Docs) time and a half for all hours past 40 in a work week. This was the result of some NPs in Texas who sued for this and won. I worked in IL and got It and made some good money working 4 and 5 12s in a work week!




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  • 4 months later...

Hey everyone!  I've been lurking these forums for a while.  I have a question about EmCare.  I have an interview with an ED that is staffed by EmCare next week.  The ED director actually found my info and contacted me, then he sent my info over to EmCare and now they are processing my application.  If I do not get the position at this particular hospital, do they continue to try to place me at other hospitals?  I guess I don't quite understand the whole process.  It seems like EmCare uses a lot of time and man power to process you before the hospital director even gives the okay that they want you.

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Med student/scribe/EMT perspective:


1) EMT will not be useful in determining if you want to do ER as a PA

2) Scribe/shadowing/ER tech will be more useful to you. ER unit secretary also an option

3) Where I work, they have two shifts of PA. One does general ER with the doc, other is fast track only. General ER PA does mostly low-acuity, but has plenty of opportunity to handle high acuity cases. Fast track PA also will see more acute cases for which there aren't beds in main ER, or were mis/under-triaged

4) Highly procedural (where I worked). Nearly all wound repair, I&D, ortho stuff (single doc coverage, so doc does sedation, PA does procedure). The "main ED" PA would see medical patients in the same fashion as a senior resident, doing an initial workup, presenting, then continuing with varying levels of MD involvement depending on acuity. More consults from specialists during the daytime, but obviously emergencies are still emergencies. In my different shadowing experiences, etc. I think ER is probably one of the more "perfect" or satisfying PA roles

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Hey everyone!  I've been lurking these forums for a while.  I have a question about EmCare.  I have an interview with an ED that is staffed by EmCare next week.  The ED director actually found my info and contacted me, then he sent my info over to EmCare and now they are processing my application.  If I do not get the position at this particular hospital, do they continue to try to place me at other hospitals?  I guess I don't quite understand the whole process.  It seems like EmCare uses a lot of time and man power to process you before the hospital director even gives the okay that they want you.


Never worked for a big CMG before (e.g. EmCare, TeamHealth), and I don't think I want to after hearing what happened when EmCare got the contract for our neighboring HCA hospital ED a couple months ago.


Offered the PAs and NPs $75/hr, so they're understandably ecstatic, "Woo-hoo!! We're getting a raise!!"


Couple of weeks later showed 'em the flip side to that coin . . ."Oh yeah we almost forgot - we're getting rid of PTO and vacation time. We're getting rid of your 401K.  The cost of your medical/dental benefits is going up.  We're redefining 'full-time' as 30 hours a week, and we're dropping 20 hours of doc/MLP coverage a day."



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My interview is for an HCA hospital ED as well.  All I know thus far is that 120hr/mo is FT with benefits- 401k(no match), 2k for CME, 3-12's (but trying to change to 4-10's), med, vision, and dental. Haven't found about about wage yet.  Interview is Friday.


My question was more on the lines of EmCare's role in the process right now.  I will c/p what I wrote above to reiterate where my confusion lies:


 'The ED director actually found my info and contacted me, then he sent my info over to EmCare and now they are processing my application.  If I do not get the position at this particular hospital, do they continue to try to place me at other hospitals?  I guess I don't quite understand the whole process.  It seems like EmCare uses a lot of time and man power to process you before the hospital director even gives the okay that they want you.'

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Fast track in many city ERs are often ER overflow. Def not just Fast tack for EmCare. The acuity of patient is location/ hosp specific. Sore throat/rash/dental to ectopic, DKA, Pulm Em, psych, stones, fractures, CHF/stemi, etc. Work as much (every day if you wanted) or min, eight shifts a month, to qualifyfor FT. Benefits plus 401k (no match,no tail required). Take time off when you want. Higher wage vs benefits like PTO.


Lots of procedures. Lots of medicine. More medicine than procedures. I think it will depend on area.


As far as hospital, Any hospital that contracts with ER company (any) will have to credential you per their own standards/policy after the contract company (like EmCare) hires you. The hospital has to be willing to have you practice, even though you are not an employee of the hosp. Hope that helps.

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Thanks for responding.  I understand that I still have to go through hospital credentialing (they said it will take about 3mo!).  If the hospital decides to go with someone else, does EmCare try to find somewhere else to place me since they have taken so much time and manpower to process me?

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