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FSU application cycle 2018-2019

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How much detail did everybody go into with describing their direct patient care experience? I could not fit it in the writing prompt box and did it as an attachment, But it is still only a large paragraph. Not sure if I should list every service or task in my scope of practice that I did in my experience. 

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9 hours ago, Tauntaun said:

How much detail did everybody go into with describing their direct patient care experience? I could not fit it in the writing prompt box and did it as an attachment, But it is still only a large paragraph. Not sure if I should list every service or task in my scope of practice that I did in my experience. 

If you're referring to the supplemental application, I don't believe you need too much deatil.  The information you put on CASPA should be detailed enough.  They just want a general idea of what you did and how many hours.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all,

Best of luck to everyone applying this cycle! I was fortunate enough to have been accepted into the program starting this August and would love to help answer any questions that I can. Feel free to message me and I will try to stay active on the forum as much as possible. Go Noles!

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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to pop in and say good luck to everyone applying to this cycle of admissions.  It is a very exciting and stressful time I remember all too well.  Fortunately for you, there are students who have been in your shoes at FSU and that wasn't the case when I applied.  I am a member of the class of 2019 and just wanted to let you all know that if you have any questions, please feel free to ask either here or DM me.  I will do my best to answer any questions regarding the application/interview process and if I don't know the answer I can certainly ask.  These next two weeks are a bit rough so if I don't get back to you immediately, please bear with me and I will get to you as soon as I can.  Also, I know there's a member of the class of 2020 who starts in a couple weeks in here that can help you as well.  Best of luck, and remember it's not over till its over!

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Quick update. Hang in there, I spoke with admissions and no interview invites have gone out yet for the class of 2021.  They are anticipating to start making invites around September.  As Tom Petty said, "the waiting is the hardest part." 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone! I just wanted to make sure I am doing everything correctly in my application to FSU. I have submitted my CASPA application and sent my GRE scores. On the website, it states that the FSU supplemental application and supplemental fee must be sent in prior to October 1st along with the CASPA application. Is this application separate from the questions attached to the CASPA application? I have not seen a link to a separate supplemental application and since other schools have links to their supplemental applications I just want to be sure I am not missing anything. 

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12 minutes ago, aspiringpa23 said:

Hey everyone! I just wanted to make sure I am doing everything correctly in my application to FSU. I have submitted my CASPA application and sent my GRE scores. On the website, it states that the FSU supplemental application and supplemental fee must be sent in prior to October 1st along with the CASPA application. Is this application separate from the questions attached to the CASPA application? I have not seen a link to a separate supplemental application and since other schools have links to their supplemental applications I just want to be sure I am not missing anything. 

After I submitted my CASPA application, I received an email from FSU with instructions and a code to complete the supplemental application and fee.

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1 hour ago, PrePA2021 said:

I did not receive this email and I am a little worried! How long after you submitted the CASPA application did it take for you to receive the email for the supplemental application and fee? 

CASPA submit 6/27/18

FSU supplemental application email sent 7/4/18

FSU email stating complete and sent to ADCOM 7/31/18

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I just received the same email yesterday morning! I paid the supplemental fee yesterday but I did not see a link to a supplemental application. If you look at the admissions page it only has what I copied and pasted below as requirements so I don't think there is another application and the supplemental questions are just the questions attached to the CASPA application. Maybe I'm wrong haha but I did not see another link for the supplemental app 

  • Verified CASPA application with supplemental questions 
  • Official GRE scores
  • Payment of supplemental application fee
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As a Class of 2020 student the check admission feature was vital in keeping track of our online admission acceptance checklist before we started class this fall. However, I remember that during this time last year when I was waiting to hear about interviews this feature possessed no information for me, despite that fact that I checked it fairly often in anticipation!

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