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Paying for my own hospital credentials

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Would anyone say it's a giant red flag if I had to pay for my own hospital privileges? Was handed an old school giant stack of application papers for privileges with a note on the front page to be sure to attach a fat check (>$500) or else they won't process my application. My department has told me that I pay for that and once I start working I can apply for reimbursement. I've never worked at a hospital that made their own employees pay to work for them. I'm wondering if it's to spare them the $ in case their applicants end up not being approved for credentials?? Is this sketchy or just me being paranoid?



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I have never heard of a hospital charging for privileges - ever.


Maybe the folks I worked for paid for it and never told me but it doesn't seem right that a hospital would charge to privilege you when you will be bringing income to them.


And an organization of any size and history usually has someone who does credentialing and privileges - at least does the paperwork and highlights where you sign.


Perhaps a phone call to the hospital provider services office is in order. Ask very specific questions after taking down person's name and title/office. 


Something doesn't smell right.................

I called and was told that I pay for it, and then once I begin working I can be reimbursed. I'm hired through a third party group but I too, have never once paid any money for credentials. It seems really odd that I would have to pay them to start earning them money. Wondering what I'm getting myself into here... :/



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Is there anyone else around who has been through the same process? Anyone to ask?


Does your third party employer foot the bill?


Is this a for profit hospital? If it is a non-profit hospital then that stinks doubly of something wrong.


I would look for anyone who had to go through the same process and interrogate them fully.

This has happened to me, I called the credentialing department and it was waived (no reimbursement). This was for a per diem position on Long Island in a small non-profit community hospital.


I feel this fee is unusual, sets a bad precedent and does not speak well for the facility.


Did you speak to the actual credentialing department or the third party/headhunter? If you are planning a long term career at this place, you will have to weigh whether it is worthwhile to pursue since you will be reimbursed.

It's a not for profit medical center. I was told its hospital policy that they charge me for it then the department can reimburse me.



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Every hospital I've been credentialed at (4) has charged a fee between 2-500$ for processing. This has always been covered upfront by the group I'm working with. The credentialing process should be abolished considering the 8th Amendment. Paying for this "right"? OUCH!

Another vote for national licensure and centralized credentialing with access to historical data without recreating the wheel.


Any facility charging a revenue producing provider to gain privileges is ridiculous.


Most large groups use centralized data banks already such as CAHQ. I get an email ping everytime someone accesses my data that tells me who - usually another insurance company doing yearly re-ups.


I don't like the fact that OPs employer is not willing to foot the bill.

Yes I'd be out the money it took process it. I don't think they have any reasonable grounds to deny me credentials as I have no prior open cases, have never been addict, and all of my credentials at previous hospitals are in good standing.


I think it's bogus to charge for it to. Aren't we the ones making you money at the end of the day? How are you going to charge me to start that process? Anyways my third party employer has told me they will reimburse me 100% as soon as I begin working. Regardless, it leaves a sour taste in my mouth that I would even have to fork out this kind of money to begin with. I'm kind of anxious to work here now more than ever



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I also have to pay the hospital for credentialing (and for licenses) but I am always immediately reimbursed by the EM group. Here's its a function of different organizations and thus bank accounts. Its basically easier for them to reimburse than to pay for it themselves.

I also have to pay the hospital for credentialing (and for licenses) but I am always immediately reimbursed by the EM group. Here's its a function of different organizations and thus bank accounts. Its basically easier for them to reimburse than to pay for it themselves.

This I don't understand. If employer has to cut a check, why not just cut it to the institution? It's great for most of you that they quickly reimburse but it seems like an additional unnecessary step. Oh well, not an issue for myself so back to zen status.

Some employers TAX what they reimburse you and count it as income and somehow it shows up on their books in a better light.


I am not an accountant and hate accounting.


My office "gives" me $50 a month for cell phone use but it is lumped into my paycheck and taxed just the same.


So, I really don't get $50 - I get whatever percentage the IRS didn't take.


Pay for your credentialing - get taxed to boot.


Awe - the "business" of medicine.................... SUCKS

  • 3 weeks later...

All of my prior hospitals had yearly dues and credentialing fees. Added up to over 1K/yr for multiple hospitals within the same group. We were responsible because we were 1099 (independent contractors)

I have no idea if credentialing costs anything where I live, because no one has ever mentioned it. I just went through it, and I had to submit a ton of forms and give excruciating detail about dates and addresses I haven't thought about in years, but I didn't have to pay any fees. Actually, they ran a background check - I got a copy of the form from the state showing I cleared - and that must have cost money, but that was clearly paid by the employer/ health system.


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