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First Rejection

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So, I got my first rejection today. It was the first news I've heard from any of the schools I applied to, outside of the standard: "Your application has been received". I'm applied to 13 schools, so I still have 12 others to hear from. I was just rejected from Arcadia, which I guess focuses more on academic strengths (my GPA according to CASPA is 3.29) than clinical experience (I have 4 years of high quality HCE). I'm keeping my head and hopes up. It was an easier blow to take b/c Arcadia is not my top choice, not even in my top 10 (my top choices are Pacific, MEDEX, Northeastern, PCOM, and Emory), but it was a blow nonetheless. Any encouragement or motivational messages would be appreciated! Good luck all!

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Ah man 13, that's a lot of schools.


Anyways, everyone gets rejected a few times. EVERYONE. I have a 3.80 GPA and 3 years HCE and 1 year research w/ patient contact, and I already got rejected. So it is not your GPA. We -ALL- have to get rejected. No one gets in every single program they apply to.


Your stats are solid. You applied broadly. Stick to the plan man, be patient, and good things will come. Three weeks after my rejection I got an invite to one of my top choice schools and am flying out tomorrow. We are all going through the same ish right now but we are all gonna come out on top! Keep your head up!!

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So, I got my first rejection today. It was the first news I've heard from any of the schools I applied to, outside of the standard: "Your application has been received". I'm applied to 13 schools, so I still have 12 others to hear from. I was just rejected from Arcadia, which I guess focuses more on academic strengths (my GPA according to CASPA is 3.29) than clinical experience (I have 4 years of high quality HCE). I'm keeping my head and hopes up. It was an easier blow to take b/c Arcadia is not my top choice, not even in my top 10 (my top choices are Pacific, MEDEX, Northeastern, PCOM, and Emory), but it was a blow nonetheless. Any encouragement or motivational messages would be appreciated! Good luck all!


Im in a similar boat...applied to 12 schools, and I received my first rejection last week(from Arcadia!).

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Be thankful you got rejected to at least one..imagine going on 13 interviews?! Wheew. Nah, just kidding, I'm finding some schools just reeeaaaally care more about academics vs experience. Some of my interviews had people right out of college. could you imagine being a PA at 23?! That's nuts to me.

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Keep your head up! The first year I applied I got rejected a lot and put on a few wait lists. Rejection letters suck but it's still semi early in the interview season, hopefully you get more invites! In the mean time start formulating a back up plan of what you will do if you're not accepted anywhere. I hope you get accepted somewhere, but if not, reapply (I would suggest reapplying to Arcadia-that's how I got in!) Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
So, I got my first rejection today. It was the first news I've heard from any of the schools I applied to, outside of the standard: "Your application has been received". I'm applied to 13 schools, so I still have 12 others to hear from. I was just rejected from Arcadia, which I guess focuses more on academic strengths (my GPA according to CASPA is 3.29) than clinical experience (I have 4 years of high quality HCE). I'm keeping my head and hopes up. It was an easier blow to take b/c Arcadia is not my top choice, not even in my top 10 (my top choices are Pacific, MEDEX, Northeastern, PCOM, and Emory), but it was a blow nonetheless. Any encouragement or motivational messages would be appreciated! Good luck all!


I applied to 11 schools along the east coast and Arcadia rejected me too :( I agree with everyones replies - can't lose hope & stay positive. Glad to know I'm not the only one playing the waiting game. Good luck to all!!

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Don't fret, I just received a rejection letter in today's mail as well. I think my husband was much more disappointed than I was as he got the mail before I did and felt bad letting me know that a "letter came for you".

However it also wasn't my top school and had I gotten accepted, it would need to move away from my family for a whileStill have 5 more to go. Wait and see, hope for the best!

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