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Changing Vehicle Registration/Title/License

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Does anyone know whether out-of-state students are required to obtain a new title and registration for their vehicles as well as driver's license while in school?


It looks like most states require you to do so within 30 days of moving (no idea whether this applies to students). I would prefer to avoid the hassle, but I don't want to run into problems down the road if something happens and they realize I've been a resident for 24 months either.


The timing for renewing my driver's license and registration line up perfectly with my program's start date. I figure I better address this now before I pay to renew both and subsequently learn I'll need to change them.



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It depends on the state and whether someone at your previous address is still living there that you know (i.e. able to get mail for you). I moved from Fl to IL and was a student and did not need to change my license or tags on my car. I did have to change them as soon as I was not a student any longer (i.e. the city of chicago will not give you a parking permit if you cannot show you are in school and you have to have an in-state license and tag to get the permit) and you can't park on the street without the permit... When we moved from Chicago to North Carolina for PA school, I did have to change the tags but not my drivers license (because they did not require and in-state license for a tag) and I was too lazy to go wait at the DMV. That said if the license had been lost or stolen I would have been SOL... When we moved to Boston we had to change the license and tags within 15 days of moving here to again get the parking permit for street parking. My husband is now the student and he was able to keep his license since he is technically here for educational purposes (and we might have been able to get away with leaving the car tags since he is a student but the car is in my name only)- I had to change mine since I am here to work. So long story short it depends on your insurance company, the state you live in, and whether someone is at your previous address to get the renewal notice, send it in for you, and mail you the decal. Also, if you plan to work in the state you are going to school in you might just want to bite the bullet and change your stuff now...

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Where do you intend to live after school?  I moved from WA to OR, stated I was going back, and rented (not sold) my home in WA.  Never changed my driver's license, car registration, or voter registration.  I also never paid Oregon income taxes because the rent I collected on my Washington house was not Oregon income.  I managed to move back into my home 4 months before school was done due to my rotation schedule, and had a job lined up in my hometown before school was over.  Had I decided to stay in Oregon, by law I would have had to change things over, with the countdown starting the day I decided to stay.  You need to be familiar with the law in the state in which you're going to school.

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I had a NY state driver's license with a vehicle with South Dakota plates. 

SD didnt require inspection nor registration other than the plate.

I always drove the speed limit and stopped at all stop signs.

Didnt change anything till I moved to VT. Too much money I did not have and too much time waiting at DMV that could be spent better elsewhere.

G Brothers PA-C

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