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Why so much pessimism on SDN?

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Why is there so much pessimism on SDN threads about PAs? Do the majority of physicians feel that PAs are "enroaching" on their turf or that they don't know their stuff, or is this just something found on SDN? I realize there's more pessimism targeted @ NPs (or so it seems, with the DNP and all that stuff), but there's still plenty of it sent to the PA profession.


It's a little depressing seeing so much negativity!

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None of it will matter once you're in that big stuffed chair sitting at the desk of one of your Preceptors who knows what you went through during Didactic and wants you to learn everything possible during your Clinicals. It's been my experience that other than Docs with inherent wisdom, most of the benevolence I have felt from Docs towards PAs lies most with those who either Precept or Lecture for, or are or have been Faculty for, a PA program.

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SDN represents a small portion of the body of physicians in this country. A lot of them are students or residents. The attending physicians I worked with said they WISH they went to PA school. If they didn't say that, they said "It is a really good career choice." The residents and med students I worked with said "Oh PA school? that's cool.." Just wait until they graduate into being an attending... or spend a dew more years in residency... Don't listen to people on forums too much (except for this one:D)

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I don't ever visit those sites any more because it would send up my blood pressure. It seemed like a toxic, insecure place that doesn't relfect at all the attitudes of most of the physicians I work with every day. Something about being a medical student seems to create an air of dysfunctionality.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much. Online forums tend to attract those who suffer from fancy sports car syndrome, if you know what i mean. I was a pilot before I started heading to PA school and the same was true in that industry as well. Pilot forums are notorious for ending up in the elementary school age level of civility and decorum, so it's not just medicine!



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SDN ? does this stand for Some Dumb Student? hee hee hee



these are the 'future' doc's that are still mostly wet behind the ears and are following the puff out your chest and beat it hard to prove you are the best, biggest, baddest out there..... used to go there but just got tired of the immaturity and attacking nature.


Yes PA and NP's are a threat to them, they have consistenly kept the supply of Doc's down to hold their salary up - in past this worked as there was no competition but now with PA/NP they have overstated their own importance. In the primary care world we can fill their roles, and for lower $$ to the system. The PCP doc's in my area get 120-200k plus a year.... I would love to be even be approaching the low end of this, and I am doing the exact same job.... Unlike speciality medicine where ie only the doc can do the surgery....


PA and NP are the future, we are taking over the world (tongue in cheek.....)



As a new practice owner, in an area that has never seen a PA owner practice, I am having a few issues with the Bias of a Doc has to be your PCP, but not as many as I expected and the administration of the hospital is accepting it (state law helps) So yes we are a threat to them in the PCP world. But what they need to realize is that what appears as a threat on the surface actually is not when you learn more - they will remain at the top of the pyramid, and by having NP/PA under them they can continue to preserve their incomes - and I hate to say it but when it is all boiled down to the basics it is about the $$$ and only after that about delivery of care.


just my $0.02

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Why is there so much pessimism on SDN threads about PAs? Do the majority of physicians feel that PAs are "enroaching" on their turf or that they don't know their stuff, or is this just something found on SDN? I realize there's more pessimism targeted @ NPs (or so it seems, with the DNP and all that stuff), but there's still plenty of it sent to the PA profession.


It's a little depressing seeing so much negativity!


I noticed that too. SDN has an incredibly large number people that just happen to be full of themselves.

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Yes PA and NP's are a threat to them, they have consistenly kept the supply of Doc's down to hold their salary up - in past this worked as there was no competition but now with PA/NP they have overstated their own importance. In the primary care world we can fill their roles, and for lower $$ to the system.



This is a side track rant, but I really wish people would wake up and realize that healthcare is not, and never will be, a free market. Therefore it is NOT TRUE that creating more doctors/providers will lower healthcare costs.


Consider this example -- Manhattan has more doctors per capita than anywhere in the world. You cant walk a single block without walking by multiple doctors' offices. If a high number of providers brings down costs or salaries, then Manhattan should have the cheapest healthcare in the USA and doctors should make the lowest salaries there as well. After all, all those "providers" are competiting against each other right?


Wrong. Even when you factor out the cost of living, NYC still has healthcare costs that are WAY higher than average. Ditto for other areas with high doctor supplies such as Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc.


If we suddenly increased number of doctors/providers, healthcare costs would go UP, not down. More docs = more procedures, more billing, more diagnostic evals on "healthy" people

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