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Putting in an immediate resignation notice during my 90 day resignation period ?

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Hello All,


I am currently 45 days into my 90 days notice. I was planning to move with a significant other but my relationship has ended.  I now have no place to live, no job lined up and very little money left after putting everything into moving expenses. I have family next state over and need to move home for financial and emotional/mental support as I am in a very low place. Can I put in an immediate resignation while already in a resignation period ? I am worried I won't be able to get another jobs as I am fairly new with only a little over a year of work experience . Any advice appreciated.  

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First, I’m sorry you're going through this. If you feel your mental health is in danger and you absolutely cannot make it 45 more days than you should talk to your employer and explain that due to a health condition or emergency you will need to resign immediately (I don’t think you need to give specifics—it’s not their business). The ramifications might be that you will not be able to be rehired with that company which may or may not be a big deal. It may also effect your reference from that company (but maybe you could still use a coworker?) The only other thing I can think of is if you have your own patient panel would be needing to notify your patients if your departure. 

please remember that there are resources available for your mental health if you need them!

Edited by jennelise
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