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Minnesota Modernization Act signed

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Congrats to all Minnesota PA’s after 4 years of hard work, you achieved a great accomplishment. AAPA is on 5th year working for PA”s to do direct billing, maybe they will be successful this year.

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PA Modernization Act becomes Law

6 hours ago  
Posted by: MAPA Legislative Committee


On May 27th Governor Walz signed into law Senate File 13 – which includes the PA Practice Modernization Act. This is the result of 4 years of advocacy, grassroots efforts, and untold hours of dedicated work by the MAPA legislative team, co-chaired by PAs Leslie Clayton Milteer and Becky Ness.


What does the MN PA Practice Modernization Act (SF 13) accomplish?

  • Removes the supervisory agreement:
    • PAs will no longer be required to be attached to a single physician in order to practice
  •  Removes the delegation of scope of practice:
    •  Scope of practice is now established based on the PAs individual education, experience and training and determined at the practice level
    •  Prescriptive authority is now established in statute and no longer has to be delegated
  •  Removes the location notification – no longer needed to begin practice.
  • Removes the burden on physicians that practice with PAs, by eliminating the supervisory liability – which will save healthcare costs.
  •  Maintains parity of practice for PAs in the healthcare marketplace by regulating PAs with similar standards as our APRN colleagues and removing burdensome paperwork that confuses hiring authorities.

What this bill DID NOT do:

  • Create independent practice - there is an annual review requirement of the practice agreement by a MN licensed physician, completed at the practice level
  • Change the way PAs are licensed or regulated – this still occurs through the MN Board of Medical Practice
  • Change any educational or certification standards
  • Remove the need for a collaborating physician – this requirement may still exist for some insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid as PAs do not have direct reimbursement:
    • This is a federal issue that AAPA has been working on for 5+ years


The changes within the PA Modernization Act will allow PAs to be more easily employed, as well as more flexible members of the medical workforce thereby improving access to care. The removal of the “single physician to PA tether” will result in significant cost saving thus reducing the overall cost of healthcare.


More information will follow in the next few months as the Board of Medical Practice makes determinations for how processes of PA licensure will change as a result of this bill. It is important to note this does not take effect until August 1, 2020, please renew your current license as usual and make sure your delegation agreements are up to date for the last time ever. 


MAPA Membership matters – please tell all your colleagues what has been accomplished.

View our announcement video on our Facebook page here >>

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1 hour ago, ventana said:

Create independent practice - there is an annual review requirement of the practice agreement by a MN licensed physician, completed at the practice level

Great job, MN PAs! But the above still means physicians need to be paid for employing us. It needs to go.

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BOOM! Let me add an off subject comment. Leslie Milteer  is running for a AAPA position (unopposed). Because she was so tied up in this legislation she couldn't give an official written response to PAFT's candidate questions so we could not officially endorse her. I think someone who has walked the walk...and had great success doing it deserves a lot of consideration as we think about who needs to lead this profession. This is my personal opinion and not the official position of PAFT.

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