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AAPA 2019 Candidates

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4 hours ago, KpsPac said:

Since we are not allowed to discuss the upcoming campaign or candidates on Huddle, I assume we are able to DISCUSS the subject/candidates here? 

Yes, you are.  Discuss away... professionally, of course.

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The decision on the Huddle was based on the vitriol from last year when attacks were far more common than any useful discussion. I get that. They want to keep it above board and productive and spent way too much time policing up angry posts.

I haven't seen much in the way of campaigning yet but I'll be interested is seeing what people have to say.

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Guest Paula

I personally am supporting Beth Smolko and Jennifer Orozco.  Beth has been a PA leader and was the one who first started the collaboration resolution back in 2012 or 2013 thereabouts.  It passed the second year at the HOD.  She is fully in support of title change and we should all read her platform statement and listen to her video.   I do not think she will take an adverse result from the WPP title investigation survey.  I support her because she will look out for our profession and has a fresh idea and good skills to navigate us to the future.  She is running for Pres Elect


I support Jen Orozco for BOD as she has been strategically improving practice laws in Illinois and help beat down NCCPA when they sent a lobbyist to Illinois to defeat the Illinois PA Academy efforts for law modernization.  It was an interesting time for sure.


SO we have a few go-getters and focused candidates in Beth and Jennifer.  

Vote for Beth

Vote for Jennifer



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Maybe. They seem to be balancing things by having some candidate events at the conference but the attendees are a small number compared to overall membership.

This is an interesting new way of running the elections. We will have to see how this works. I'm not for or against this new way. It is just different.

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I have known Beth since she started as a PA and when she was on the BOD of the AFPPA's and later as president of the same association. She was friendly, encouraged input, took good advice and weighed discussion on their merit not on how loud they spoke. Jenn is by far the best candidate for President-elect and is one of the foundational designers of OTP. She will be a great follow up for Mittman. Her style is different but her enthusiasm is just as great.

Jennifer has proven that she possesses a true backbone and has taken on a few major practice issues.  She too is an outstanding candidate and I see her on a fast track for bigger things in the future.

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