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Suicide----by Physician Assistants &/or Nurse practitioners......

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It would be interesting to see the breakout on such data. Are we less prone than physicians because we aren't the "top of the food chain" or are we more prone because we can easily be everyone's whipping boy in a high stress field? Maybe our numbers would be very low so not much data would be available. Most PAs I know are pretty happy in general. Most physicians I know suffer a lot of stress from many different quarters. So many questions....

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On 9/30/2018 at 7:43 AM, sas5814 said:

It would be interesting to see the breakout on such data. Are we less prone than physicians because we aren't the "top of the food chain" or are we more prone because we can easily be everyone's whipping boy in a high stress field? Maybe our numbers would be very low so not much data would be available. Most PAs I know are pretty happy in general. Most physicians I know suffer a lot of stress from many different quarters. So many questions....

We see the same blood in the same mud as our MD brethren, but there are less resources dedicated to debriefing and stress relief.  In most administrators eyes, we are simply employees who make money without mental consequences.  There are fewer societies, groups, etc.  Many times time off is hard to get.  More importantly, we miss out on the years of dealing with stress that mds get.  

Also, appearing happy and being suicidal are not mutually exclusive.  You could be working with a PA who has everything going for him- job, family, low debt, job prospects, but be suffering terribly on the inside.  The industry putting so much weight on "customer happiness" leads to unsatisfied providers- then a scathing review...a mere pat on the head by a bean counter doesn't help.  


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