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Applying as an Undergrad

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I am still currently working on my bachelors degree and will finish in May of 2018, hoping to enter a PA program in summer/fall 2018. Many PA programs say that to be eligible you must finish your degree BEFORE you even submit your application! This has limited the amount of schools I can apply to (so far only one in CT).

Is anyone else in the same boat right now? I don't want to limit myself to just one school even though I'm trying to stay around CT. I have all the common prereqs finished and an immense amount of PCE hours so that isn't an issue...just looking for any other current undergrads applying to enter PA programs in 2018!!

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Many programs do accept applications from undergraduates who will get their degrees prior to the PA program start date. You are provisionally accepted pending graduation. I'd look around at some more schools if I were you.

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I think you may be misunderstanding the admission requirements. Most schools that I looked at when applying required your degree to be confirmed by matriculation into the program or a date that was a semester or two before matriculation (ie three months before). 

Quinnipiac: prerequisites must be completed by 12/31/17 if applying for summer 2018 matriculation, but says nothing about when degree must be confirmed (contact them if you are applying here)

Yale: degree must be confirmed by matriculation

U of St. Joseph and U of Bridgeport are both January starts, so you can apply next cycle to start in January 2019. Sacred Heart requires the degree by application deadline (10/1). If you are graduating in May and want to start immediately without gap time, you should be looking into fall programs. You need to weigh the pros/cons about distance and start time. 



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I know some schools require you to have a diploma at the time of application - this did not affect me but a couple of my current classmates were limited in the number of schools they could apply to. Just make sure you understand the requirements clearly so you don't miss out on any schools, and don't let it discourage you. Like I said, several of my classmates are right out of undergrad.

I would also try to widen your scope a bit if you are willing. I know there may be a lot of reasons to stay in one area, but there may be schools that you are very well-matched with that are outside of your current area.

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I am also an undergrad student and I just sent in my CASPA application to 9 different schools, I plan on sending it to a few more. Every school I applied to so far allows two prerequisites to be in progress, as long as I have my degree by the end of the spring 2018 semester. Good luck!!

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