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UNMC Masters

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I did this program several yrs back and found it to be quite good for a working PA who cannot take the time off to attend classes. Simple find an MD or a few MDs willing to proctor and away you go. Assignments are interesting, applicable, and doable while you work.


Michael T :wink:

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+1. I just graduated from UNMC last month; very doable program, and with hospital tuition reimbursement I didn't pay a penny in tuition. I really enjoyed working at my own pace and learned a lot doing my masters project. I'm actually looking to tweak my final paper and submit it to a journal as a literature review; just can't find the right journal to send it to.

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+1. I just graduated from UNMC last month; very doable program, and with hospital tuition reimbursement I didn't pay a penny in tuition. I really enjoyed working at my own pace and learned a lot doing my masters project. I'm actually looking to tweak my final paper and submit it to a journal as a literature review; just can't find the right journal to send it to.

ADVANCE FOR PA'S published mine (whoo-hoo 50 dollar honorarium) as a cme of the month article. it was on advances in airway management and alternatives to orotracheal intubation.

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