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Hi there


I recently had a follow up with a program I interview with. While going over my application and giving me feedback as to what I can improve for next cycle the PD asked me how many program I applied to. Since I couldn't lie I ended up telling the truth. I am wondering if revealing this information has any consequences . I had applied to 30 plus programs. Any feedback is appreciated

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You were already rejected from this program?  The only consequence I could see is if applying next year they will know that you probably blanket applied - makes it seem like you'll go anywhere and have little rhyme or reason for picking schools.


No program is naive enough to think you ONLY applied to 1 place, but 30 is excessive (the average is 8-10)

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I assume since you are concerned about it you didn't get in anywhere this cycle?


Have other schools given you feedback for why you haven't gotten accepted?  There's applying broadly and then there's applying everywhere.  I have no idea how programs view this, but if it were me, I would think that someone applying to 30 programs likely didn't have great odds (and was aware of it!) and was just hoping for the best.


Even the best applicants don't get in everywhere, but if you have reasonably acceptable stats usually 10 well selected programs should be enough to get an acceptance.


I can't imagine spending the money to apply to 30 programs.  I hope you got good feedback to move forward more focused.

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It's time to focus. If you are applying to that many schools, you are not paying attention to what each school sees as a strong point and you are just hoping for the best. You would be much better off (both financially and your acceptance odds) if you pick 6-8 schools and focus on EXCEEDING the averages of their applicants for the past few years.  Go ahead and apply to 8-10 if you must, but make sure that you have really focused and worked hard to be one of the best applicants.

Also, when a school gets dozens of applications for every spot, it is not just a numbers game. You really need to come across as a person who knows what they want, understands what they want and shows initiative in reaching goals both in school apps and life. 

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That the PD gave you the time to chat was great as that is an almost impossible task for them to offer anyone. That they don't have time is one reason but another is that they don't want to get caught in making recommendations that don't yield an admission. The applicant pool changes every cycle, what would have worked this cycle may not work at all for the next cycle. Just an FYI, but I will agree with most here that a more focused approach would be better. Since you can write only one letter in CASPA look for a cohort of schools that report cohort stats similar to yours then your app might not seem out of place (i.e. an overall GPA of 3.25 applying to schools where the overall average is 3.8). Good luck!

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