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Hi Everyone,


My name is Mykaela and I wanted to post on here to see if anyone else on the forums is in Alaska/has applied for the Anchorage site? I submitted my CASPA and supplemental this week and am just waiting to hear back about an interview. I live in Fairbanks, so if anyone else is in Fairbanks and wanted to get together send me a message.




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I live in Anchorage and also put in for the Anchorage site. I submitted my supplemental application on August 26th and my CASPA on August 28th but it was not approved from CASPA until September 1 because they had to change my transcripts to make them work in the system. I attended classes at UAA in anchorage, Kenai Peninsula College and Kodiak College but they are all listed on the UAA Anchorage transcript. It made the system flip out and they had to fix it. I have not heard anything from MEDEX yet have you?

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I submitted my CASPA and supplemental the 3rd and 4th of September, but haven't heard anything aside from the initial submitted e-mail. That's interesting with the UAA transcripts, I attended UAF, UAA and UAS and they listed them as separate schools. I figured I'll hear something from MEDEX Oct/November. I have a friend that got in this year and she heard around November about an interview.

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For anyone who is a planner like me they may find this vaccination information helpful. I started doing them already although I have not been accepted yet.  My titers for varicella and MMR came back negative although I was vaccinated in 1982, I don’t want to be in a frenzy to get my paperwork in should I be blessed enough to be selected so I decided no time is like the present.   




Below is the link for new students when they are selected. Has a ton of information for new students.




This last link is awesome. It’s the best document I could find about the history of MEDEX and it was co-wrote by Ruth Ballweg so you know it’s done right!






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Scoped, thanks again, that is the one thing I don't remember being mentioned at the full MEDEX session I attended earlier this year, though tuition was mentioned and FA, just not AK to UW cost. I may have to live in the dorms since my family will stay in Fairbanks and I hopefully get put up their for Clinical. I met a MEDEX student who did his clnicals up here and PA Riley mentioned it's possible to do the entire rotations up here.

It's encouraged to go to Fairbanks to do clinicals because Anchorage gets bogged down with MD and PA students doing rotations. I have a friend that moved to Keani to do all her clinicals so she did not need to compete for sites in anchorage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Black Lion,


Anchorage holds their interviews later in the year. If you're applying for Anchorage it will be harder to get in than Washington as they tend to pick up those living in Alaska, just so you know.

True! Unless you can pitch a really good case and convince the panel you will stay in AK or have strong family ties. I totally understand it too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my second year applying.  I had an interview the first time and didn't make it in.  There were a bunch of fantastic applicants!  They increased the pre-reqs since and so I have had to do those before I could apply again.  I grew up in Fairbanks but I now live in Bristol Bay and work in a village clinic.  If you don't get in and need to get more clinical hours and want an adventure- apply to work as a Health Aide in a village clinic!  It is an awesome job and a great step on the way to PA school!  We also had a meet and greet in ANC the evening before our interview and it was helpful as we were not all total strangers....  :)  And now.... we wait.  :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

We had a meet and greet the evening before the interview and that we very helpful when I interviewed before.  I would love to do that again.  I will try to think of a quieter place for a meeting this time however....  :)  The cattle company was lovely but a zoo on a Friday evening.  Anyone have any suggestions?  I will be flying in from a remote village a few days ahead because I won't take chances on being weathered out.....  Having been through this before I can try to answer questions... but it has been a couple of years....  :)

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We had a meet and greet the evening before the interview and that we very helpful when I interviewed before.  I would love to do that again.  I will try to think of a quieter place for a meeting this time however....  :)  The cattle company was lovely but a zoo on a Friday evening.  Anyone have any suggestions?  I will be flying in from a remote village a few days ahead because I won't take chances on being weathered out.....  Having been through this before I can try to answer questions... but it has been a couple of years....  :)




I think a few of us live in Anchorage, any ideas?  Would a coffee house be better?  Maybe we could meet a few days ahead of time...

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I anticipated getting an interview invite 2 weeks back. I thought about how long it's been since I've wore a suit so I pulled a few from my closet and realized my time spent in comfortable scrubs allowed me the space to gain some weight. I'm about 16 lbs. down from my 20 lbs. goal. You all might want to think about what your going to wear now so it doesn't bite you like it almost did me. My suits now fit me again which is nice.

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Congratulations everyone! Im so excited about this opportunity, I'm sure you can relate. So it's apparent there are some of us that want to meet and greet before our interviews December 6th. I've looked around a bit and coincidentally this place seems quite fitting: Middle Way Cafe. We've reached the half way (or "Middle Way") point of our application process. I've called the cafe to ensure they could accommodate a group of 15-20 of us (their capacity is over 100). They open at 7:00am on Friday December 5th and the gal I spoke with recommended we arrive before the lunch rush. I'm thinking 10:30ish. What's up, what do y'all think? Truly, I'm game to meet anytime, anywhere. Just thought I'd get the ball rolling. Let's do it.

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I was wondering how you received notification of your interview? I checked my e-mail and didn't have anything so I'm getting a bit nervous/anxious if I'm lucky enough to get an interview.

I received notification via email yesterday afternoon. From what I've heard, don't count yourself out until you receive a denial letter- I got one last year. Stay strong.
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