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Need advice from fellow PA colleagues

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Hi guys,


So I recently started a new job at a PM&R office that is multi disciplinary and has PTs, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and MDs. I am the only PA and my only role here is to administer trigger point injections and occipital and sciatic nerve blocks. So far I see about 20 patients a day. And I'm here 4 days a week 8 hours a day. But it seems to be getting very boring because a lot of the times there are no patients and there's nothing else for me to do. There is no set schedule for the patient that are getting the injections so I have to fish around and convince to get them done and that's how I even get to seeing 20 a day. Has anyone else in PM&R had this issue? Is this something that I should reconsider doing and probably not continue working here? Previously I have worked in Primary care and it's been very fast paced and used to seeing 50 patients a day. This seems to be too slow and boring for me. Is that bad?


Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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more important shouldn't we be worried when we have to find patients for therapy ... shouldn't trigger point therapy be part of an evidence based pain mgmt program ?  Did you accept this position knowing that would be your only role ?  Do they pay you over 80k a year to do this ?  Does not sound like this is the position for you. 

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I'm in PM&R, but I don't do many procedures, occasionally a trigger point, occipital nerve, or US guided peripheral injection. In my practice however, I don't do a lot.


I see between 8-12 patients per day, mostly new consults sent for spine issues. I practice predominately in a diagnostic and management model.

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in a multidis clinic like this, if you are not being utilized i would just leave.


I had a locums job in a national workers comp/urgent care and it was run by the bean counters, and self referral was the name of the game


I would NEVER go fishing for injection patients, injections should only be part of a comprehensive plan to manage a persons pain.  We do far to many injections on people  who do not need them, and they are not "free" to the patient.... cost, pain, complications and steroid exposure.....


either ask to start actually acting like a PA instead of a highly trained technician or move on.

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You are commiting fraud by "fishin around" and "convincing"  patients to perform TPI on. Your actions are immoral and criminal.

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How do you see 50 patients a day ?!  I just noticed that. That has to be a scam unless you only treat pharyngitis, or work 12 hour days. 


Thinking the same thing as well. I am at a busy 15 pts per day and still have charting delays. Maybe if you saw URIs you can REALISTICALLY see 25 pts but FIFTY??? Really??? Granted I see a very complicated population with multiple comorbidities (usually at least 4-5 Dx on the prob list) affecting multiple organ systems but still. Even a "typical" PCP office should not expect you to see 50 patients.

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