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Hey everyone,


I'm new to this forum, but I've been reading it for a while and I think everyone has really great things to say! I am currently a sophomore in undergrad and I have a pretty weak science GPA (2.84) since I got my first C today in Genetics :'(. Anyway, I was wondering if CASPA takes science courses that are not prerequisites into account when calculating the science GPA. So would I benefit from taking some elective science courses that are on the easier side to boost my science GPA? or would it have no effect since it's not a prereq? My cumulative GPA is a 3.4 since I'm a non-science major, and I still have to take 15 credits of prereq courses before I'm done with them, so if I theoretically get A's in all of them, I could end up getting a 3.28 science GPA. Also, I'm planning on taking psych stats (since my school's bio dept. is incompetent), will this count towards the science GPA since it is a prereq, or will it just count towards my cumulative GPA.


Thanks for all your help in advanced!

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Thanks for the quick replies! And that's a relief. Another quick question, how much do you think the C in the prereq will hurt me on my application? I know most of them require all prereqs to be B-/C+/C or higher, but they allow one to be a C, as long as the rest are above it. I know they will allow it, but how much will it hurt me?

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