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Waiting to hear back about job offers

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I have been recently job hunting, first PA job since school. I have been waiting almost a month to hear back from a practice I interviewed with. How long does it typically take to hear back from offices on average? I want to contact them, but I'm not sure what the timeline should be. Any help is appreciated.

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I was the first person they interviewed and I knew they weren't interviewing anyone else until the following week. I did get an email reply from one of the docs that said they had several people still to interview, but that was a week after the interview. So should I at least email the practice manager and inquire? The position is still posted on the company's website so it doesn't look like they have made a decision yet. Will I even hear back from them if they decide to hire someone else?

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Week or so, unless they specified the search will last a longer period of time. I do not believe it to be inappropriate to inquire during the interview as to when they anticipate making a decision.


if it is 1 month i think you should follow up and remind them of your credentials and enthusiasm. they may not advise you i they hired someone else ... but should do so if you are reaching out.

Great advice. 

Inquire at the interview when they are making a decision. The response will provide insight to you. A less than definitive response means they are one or some of all below:

1. didnt think you were a good fit.

2. are giving themselves every opportunity to see what else is out there.

3. they are disorganized and couldnt hire someone to save their lives.

4. have a long drawn out hiring process that they wont admit to in order to not scare off candidates.

job hunting is just like applying to PA school, if you are qualified, throw out a lot of applications and someone will say yes. 

Yes is the most important thing after graduation. Yes=money.

Good luck.

George Brothers PA-C

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people in general are unprofessional when it comes to job interviews and following up with candidates so I would suggest just contacting them to see what the hell is going on. Ideally I would say screw them for the unprofessionalism but like i said, unfortunately that's how most people are.

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If they want you, you will get a verbal offer within one week.  If it's more than a week without a verbal offer, you need to keep looking. They may still come through... but they don't have their act together to move appropriately fast.

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I'm amazed at how hell bent these folks are at getting you in to interview, but in most cases don't have the courtesy to follow up.  Even though I've been offered a position with my local VA I still sent inquiries today regarding two other opportunities which are outstanding (the VA position easily has the best hours/benefits regardless of salary).  One was kind enough to send a follow up notification a week ago stating that they anticipated making a decision at the first of this week.  They did respond to my follow up inquiry today stating that there were three of us for two daytime slots (never specified which 7-7 shift I'd accept, though when asked during the interview I did say that I'd prefer the day shift) and that they had extended offers to the other two.  They also commented that the 7p-7a slots remained open (big mistake on their part in my opinion not even asking if I'd be interested, or else they truly weren't interested).  They did say that they were keeping my file open for when they add two more later in the year (I'll pat myself and assume that maybe they want a more seasoned PA for floor medicine as opposed to an Obs. unit, but who knows). The other opportunity (level 1 trauma center) didn't even bother to respond to the inquiry today.


Some may say that things must not have gone well for me if only one of three offered (may not interview well for all I know, or "cough", maybe it has something to do with age), however all it takes is the one offer and the fact that it is the preferred of the three just tells me that this is the right opportunity at the right time.  I'm vested in 5 years with the Feds so that will work out just fine as I sail off into the pension plan sunset (two separate pension plans from governmental entities).

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Some A lot of companies aren't always concerned about what the most courteous thing to do is.

Normally if you don't get a return call as promised, call them, but wait at least a week following up with a phone call or email. But, since it has been longer than that for you make a call but be prepared, professional and courteous when you call. Try to reach the person who interviewed you at least once, explaining you want the information before you consider other positions because THIS company is your first choice. If you don't get an answer, forget about it. There is a fine line between being persistent and being a pest, and do you really want to work for a company that won't return your calls?


You may get lucky and actually reach the person when you call. If you do have such luck, use this opportunity to ask for feedback on your interview. Sometimes, not often, a person will take the time to give you advice. If this happens, be grateful and learn from the experience. Most employers are aware that candidates are anxious about the status of their acceptance, and will let them know in a timely manner. But, there are employers who do keep candidates waiting and wondering what happened, even though they said they would call by a certain date.


In the meantime, rather than sitting and waiting for a phone call that may never come, continue to work on your job search. It is never wise to put all your eggs in one basket as I am sure you know. Good luck!

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