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Hello all,


I have a question regarding the EMT-B course. So a community college near me offers a summer EMT course, starts in late may-early august meeting twice a week (14 hours). My dilemma is that I am traveling out of the country for a week during the course so I would miss 2 days. I have emailed the instructor and he said that I would still be able to complete it as long as I kept up on my reading/quizzes.

My question is this: how much is covered in 2 days worth of class? (8am-3pm) has anyone completed the course while missing a few days or should I just wait to take the course in the fall?


If it matters: I have science related courses under my belt like anatomy, physiology, biology, pharmacology, pathophysiology etc and have some HCE as well (CNA~2000 hours)

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My fiance is doing the same thing this summer, missing 2 days for our honeymoon the second week of class. I took it years ago, and while I think it will be some work, and he'll have to spend some time studying while we're at the beach, I've told him it's possible, but he can't miss any more days no matter what! 

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Learning to be an EMT is more than reading; by design, it's very hands-on. 


For example, you can read all you want about putting a patient in a KED only to find yourself all velcrowed together when you try it for the first time on your practical exam! You've got to be able to master physical skills that you will only do infrequently -- yet as flawlessly as possible -- in the field.


Don't forget to keep up with any new physical skills you miss by reviewing with a buddy when you get back. 

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Learning to be an EMT is more than reading; by design, it's very hands-on. 


For example, you can read all you want about putting a patient in a KED only to find yourself all velcrowed together when you try it for the first time on your practical exam! You've got to be able to master physical skills that you will only do infrequently -- yet as flawlessly as possible -- in the field.


Don't forget to keep up with any new physical skills you miss by reviewing with a buddy when you get back. 



This! My fiance has the benefit of being able to have me help him at home. The hardest part of the makeup won't be the lectures he'll miss, it'll be the skills practice! Hopefully your instructor can let you sit in on a makeup session or something. 

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You are effectively missing 2 weeks of material on the EMT schedule I'm finishing up right now for the spring semester.  The class was very time consuming; 8 credits, lots of reading, and a bunch of hands on practice which culminates with a practical exam(stress!), We weren't even allowed to miss a class without making it up and you're going to be missing almost 2 weeks on our schedule. Be prepared to work your ass off for an A, especially with the class being condensed in a summer format. I'm guessing that adcoms look at this grade very closely b/c it kinda sums up your ability to learn medical processes and put what you've learned into action, possibly predicting your future success as a clinician, just something to keep in mind.


That said, having A&P/patho/pharm under your belt will certainly help and the class should be doable even with the missed time if you're willing to step up and do the work. The MC tests are kinda sketchy b/c there's often 2 or 3 correct answers and you have to have the knowledge to find the BEST correct answer. GL

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