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Senior needs some advice (please)

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Hi I'm a bit new to this forum, so I hope this is in the right spot. 


Anyways, I'm a senior in high school and I really want to become a PA. The problem is that my parents are pushing for me to finish college in 4 years, get a decent job, and then go back to PA school. The reason for this is because my parents would like to retire in Japan (while I will be staying in the US). This might make it sound like my parents are jerks, but they aren't. It's been their dreams for many years, and I certainly want them to have a good retirement. They are willing to wait 4 years, but it's a bit harder to convince (my mom) to wait 6 years. My parents are older than most college kid's parents (dad will be 64 when I graduate with a bachelor's.)  They also think that I can get my required 2000 hr required experience, and save up some money for PA school.

I just want to take the best route to PA school. I would rather not beat around the bush with this. I was planning being an EMT or be a Physical Therapy Aide on the side during undergrad, but is this feasible? How did you get your experience? (during college, after?....) 

I wouldn't mind finishing with a degree as a Radiologist Tech, work for a bit, then go to PA school. But is this a good route to go on? I don't want to be set back too far, and basically live my entire 20s in college. 


I appreciate comments, (though, please be nice about it :) 

and please forgive my poor grammar (so don't be a grammar nazi) 

And I didn't mean to sound like I disrespect my parents. But I just want to somehow fulfill both our wishes. I hope this isn't too confusing, and I hope I put this in the correct section. 

Thank You! 


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I'm sure you love your parents and your parent love you. We all do, at least most of us. But you gotta do you.not trying to sound harsh. Follow your gut. Do it now that you're young with lots of energy. No of us has the ability to predict the future. Living with your parent? Very likely. Then, move out. Apply for financial aide as independent student. Maybe your parent are afraid if you continue school that they would foot the bills. Tapping into their retirement $. Just saying. Good luck.

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