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"Secrets" book series

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Hey all,


I had a practicing PA recommend the "Secrets" book series to me for the start of my rotations. I got the first one "Clinical Ward Secrets" and am 'somewhat' impressed. They do a good job of condensing a lot of information that could be useful prior to starting a rotation into relatively few pages (a hundred or so I think). Has anybody reviewed/read the others? Just curious if they're worth the $20 or so, at least for rotations in specialties that I'm unfamiliar with (Surgery, for example). Thanks for the input.

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I liked Surgical Secrets, but really liked Surgical Recall... I liked the format of Recall a little better and it made it easier to get to the quick and dirty. I also had the EM Secrets book and I liked that one better than EM Blueprints. Overall, Secrets is a good series, but here and there you'll find better options (like I did with the surgery ones.) Good luck!

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I'm a big fan of the series and used em, surgery, ob, and primary care extensively in school.

I still use primary care secrets as a refresher for panre.

also the "made ridiculously simple" series( pharmacology, neuro exam, clinical neuroanatomy, etc) are worth their weight in gold.

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