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I just recieved my fourth rejection letter from Duke, my top choice. I applied to 10 schools and so far I have only one interview scheduled. This is the second cycle of applications for me. I applied to 4 schools last time and recieved one interview and was placed on their alternate list. I suddenly feel as if I am doomed. I have spent so much time and money on this dream. I'm a divorced single parent and this was the only thing that has kept me motivated and hopeful for the future. I have gone back to the drawing board so many times and I don't want to do it again...I feel so lost

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Sorry that you didn't get picked up for an interview at Duke. You do have at least one interview upcoming so you are still in the game.


If your goal is to be a PA, then maybe it will involve going to somewhere other than your first choice. That happens. For the moment, your priority would seem to be to get prepared for your upcoming interview.


Do what you can and let providence take care of the rest. It ain't over until it's over (i.e., when YOU say it's over).


Good luck!

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 If you are seriously devastated you need to think whats more important to you.....Being a PA or being a Duke PA? 


You have an interview to prepare for, just think of all the people who didn't get an interview. That program thinks you have the potential to make an excellent healthcare provider.  Good luck on your interview !!


out of curiosity though...if this is only your second cycle, how has Duke rejected 4 times?

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Sorry you feel that way, but remember you cannot focus on the negative when there is still that last interview to go to for this cycle. I have a college friend who has applied three years in a row to medical schools, taken the MCAT 5 times, applied to about 10 schools each year and he has gotten one interview last year but he was waitlisted and this year he has one in January. I have been with him at times where he thinks about switching game plans, but medicine is his passion and his dream.

We had sushi together last week and I told him: "This is it! Remember once you get an interview what matters is how you present yourself". Make sure the committee members find a common ground with you and connect beyond the fact you want to be a PA.


When I attended my interview, I remember feeling like the underdog of the group being from a tiny school and from a far away state. But, then I remembered that once you get an interview we all get the same chance at making an impression and getting in. The committee members were awesome. They asked me personal questions like my dad's profession, my childhood, my work experience and I was as honest and open as I could be. At the end, I felt like I was talking to people I knew for a few years. They even suggested a great Indian food restaurant to go to.


My point is you need to go to this interview and realize that no matter where you go to PA school you will be a health provider and if that is your ultimate goal then you need to be confident and honest. BEST WISHES TO YOU!

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Thank you for the comments and encouragement everyone. It really does help. I know it sounds like I'm being ungrateful since I did get at least one invite. I am extremely grateful but also afraid of being put on the wait list again. I just panicked and since most people here understand this feeling, I decided to post in search of advice. I didn't apply as early as I wanted to because I was waiting for GRE results (and the scores were a little disappointing). I submitted my applications in mid August. The programs I applied to had deadlines in October, December, January and March. I would like to clarify that I was not rejected by Duke 4 times. I received 4 rejection letters and Duke was the fourth. I contacted the programs before I applied and was advised about my competitiveness.

Here are my stats:

about 2,000 hours of HCE, 3.89 gpa, 3.7 science gpa, graduated with honors, years of community service volunteering at homeless shelters, hospitals and various non-profit organizations, spent a year shadowing PAs in different specialties, honorable discharge with awards from active duty army, completed all required and most recommended courses for all chosen programs

I know I was lacking in GRE scores, and HCE could be stronger but, I was hoping my gpa, community service, military service, personal narrative, LORs and shadowing would make up for those areas. At least that was the impression I was given when speaking to several admissions directors.


Again, THANK YOU, and any encouragement or words of wisdom you can offer I will be most grateful to receive.

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If you had to assess your app, what do you feel is weak? How is your personal statement? Are you applying to schools that really like vets? Your late application may be the biggest thing working against you.


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My GRE scores were weak. My HCE was average. Everything else I believe was quite strong.

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Hey Amina,


Just want to say that keep your head up. I know the feeling, been there. Didn't get into PA school last time, but one of the programs I applied had granted me admission for the accelerated nursing program at their school and told me if I wanted, I can reapply later to their PA program. And here I am just finished my 1st semester in nursing with decent grades. I still have the heart to be a PA one day though and am debating whether I should apply to the PA program once I finish nursing, or wait some time (unless nursing for some reason changes my perspective and I decide to stay in it). But I took this route and decided it may help me in the long run. All this time, I keep thinking positive and whatever obstacles or failures I had, I do find it something to learn from so I can improve to create success. Anyway success doesn't come that easily, there will be failures along the way, you just have to find where you went wrong and see what you can do better :). Duke is a rigourous school, but you have the opportunity at another school to reach your dream of being one (if you do well in the interview and get accepted). You'll be no different than other PA's who had their education elsewhere, you're still a PA regardless.

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If God forbid you don't get in, then a few things you can do next cycle:


- Get new LOR writers

- Apply AS EARLY as possible

- Totally re-write your personal statement

- Apply to way more schools, as in twice as many or more

- Apply to more back up schools (ie schools you feel you have a good chance of getting into as opposed to very competitive programs)

- Apply to schools that do not require GRE


Anyway keep your head up.  Too early in the game to say what will happen.  Preservation and faith is key.  You sound like a hard worker but there must be something missing, just not sure what because from what you posted you seem like a solid applicant.

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Agree with winterallsummer but,


--Do retake your GRE , you have a very good GPA so I am sure you can do better on your GRE.  Study, prepare and retake the GRE

--Do not keep on working in the dental field, do more hours as CNA or home health aid


Again, apply early………...do it right when the cycle opens in April.  I think if you had applied early this cycle you would have gotten more interviews.


Don't give up you sound like a well rounded applicant with a good GPA, military service, diversity, life experience, and enough HCE hours.

If PA is your dream and your goal, it will happen………………..don't give up

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Thanks so much for the advice everyone. I am so thankful for this forum and the wealth of knowledge it has to offer. I think the biggest mistake I made was not applying early enough. As for my LORs, I trust that they are positive. I know my dental experience is not the best clinical experience but it's something. I contacted each program I was interested in prior to applying to determine if my experience would be acceptable and competitive. With the exception of one program, the responses were positive. This is my dream. I believe I can accomplish great things in this field and I have no intentions on giving up. I have come so far, and quite frankly, sometimes it gets old climbing up hill battles and I may need a little "push". However, I am not a quitter....


I did receive a 2nd interview! Light at the end of tunnel perhaps? There is hope for me yet.

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Amina, if you don't get in this cycle (and I hope you do!) please apply to Medical College of Georgia/Georgia Regents U in Augusta and Pacific University in Oregon. Both have significant grants to train former military as PAs and are committed to this task. Both are excellent, well-established programs. Pacific is my alma mater and I taught at MCG. Best wishes to you--you're exactly the kind of candidate I try hard to recruit!

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Another tip: become a member of various PA organizations like AAPA and your State level PA group. I was told by an Adcom member to do this.


Also, you have a greater chance of being accepted in-state. So apply to as many as you can afford.


Remember, you still need to hear back from the other schools. You already have 2 interviews!! Be prepared for those interviews! Practice practice practice. Your foot is in the door. Now it's time to blow their socks off. You can do this!!



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Amina, if you don't get in this cycle (and I hope you do!) please apply to Medical College of Georgia/Georgia Regents U in Augusta and Pacific University in Oregon. Both have significant grants to train former military as PAs and are committed to this task. Both are excellent, well-established programs. Pacific is my alma mater and I taught at MCG. Best wishes to you--you're exactly the kind of candidate I try hard to recruit!

Thank you. I can't tell you enough how encouraging it is to get feedback from you guys....especially from some of the vets on this forum like you and emedpa. I have been following your journeys for a while now...now I soundy creepy :)

I'm just trying to stay positive and prepared for anything!

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Another tip: become a member of various PA organizations like AAPA and your State level PA group. I was told by an Adcom member to do this.


Also, you have a greater chance of being accepted in-state. So apply to as many as you can afford.


Remember, you still need to hear back from the other schools. You already have 2 interviews!! Be prepared for those interviews! Practice practice practice. Your foot is in the door. Now it's time to blow their socks off. You can do this!!



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Thanks for the advice and encouragement! I am already a member of a few PA organizations...working on being prepared for those interviews!

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if all else fails try to get some more hce which is not dental related. the rest of your app looks great. I wouldn't sweat the gre. many programs hardly look at it at all.

I was thinking about going back to CNA but, I don't know if I can afford the pay cut. I may just bite the bullet if the worst happens this cycle.

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