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New Advance Salary Data

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One thing that pops out to me: PA's see on avg 12 more patients than NP. More patients=More $$$ for practice and more incentive for a Physician to employ PA over an NP. I would argue that it is because of the better training that PAs are more efficient. I showed this to an NP friend of mine and he stated "Oh, as Nurses we are more detail oriented and build deeper relationships with patients, and hence spend more time with patients..." Haha.... ummmm...

The sample size for PAs is 1100.. hardly representative of the whole. The gender was split 40:60 m:f. Also which doesn't represent the profession. Id like to see the average years practicing in this data and if the respondents included overtime pay. Males are more likely to work extra hours/shifts..

Hey All,


I just found this as well. Some salary data by region and specialty...






Looks like the data is as of Jan 2013


Sheesh, we make a heck of a lotta money to clean wounds and give shots. Who writes these stupid definitions?


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