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Serious and silly questions about PA life

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Four questions. Answers to any are appreciated.


1) If a PA works at a hospital or clinic where there are multiple MDs around, is one of them in particular your "supervising physician" or do they share the responsibility? Or does the medical director act as your supervising physician?


2) If you are a PA, and your buddy asks you a medical question outside of work, say his child is ill or he's got a strange rash, can you look at it and give advice or would that be practicing medicine outside the supervision of your supervising physician? In this case, could you prescribe something for your friend? Or suggest an over the counter medication or herbal remedy?


3) So, which other hopsital or clinic staff do PAs hang out with? Let's say it's lunch break or happy hour after work. Do PAs hang with the nurses, the doctors, other PAs or any of the above? Is there a nurse's table in the cafeteria and a seperate doctor's table? Or seperate break rooms or what?


4) If one needed a back up plan in case he was denied admission to PA school, would you consider Respiratory Therapy a career with good prospects? If I do RT instead of PA, I will probably never go back for PA because I'm already over 40.


Thanks for any help! :)

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Four questions. Answers to any are appreciated.


1) If a PA works at a hospital or clinic where there are multiple MDs around, is one of them in particular your "supervising physician" or do they share the responsibility? Or does the medical director act as your supervising physician?


2) If you are a PA, and your buddy asks you a medical question outside of work, say his child is ill or he's got a strange rash, can you look at it and give advice or would that be practicing medicine outside the supervision of your supervising physician? In this case, could you prescribe something for your friend? Or suggest an over the counter medication or herbal remedy?


3) So, which other hopsital or clinic staff do PAs hang out with? Let's say it's lunch break or happy hour after work. Do PAs hang with the nurses, the doctors, other PAs or any of the above? Is there a nurse's table in the cafeteria and a seperate doctor's table? Or seperate break rooms or what?


4) If one needed a back up plan in case he was denied admission to PA school, would you consider Respiratory Therapy a career with good prospects? If I do RT instead of PA, I will probably never go back for PA because I'm already over 40.


Thanks for any help! :)


1. One of the multiple MDs will be your supervising physician. The responsibility is not shared.


2. It depends on the exact situation, relationship with your SP, and what exactly you're trying to prescribe.


3. You can make friends with whomever you'd like. You can even sit at the cool table.


4. That's a very personal decision. Perhaps look up the statistics for job prospects online.

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1. One of the multiple MDs will be your supervising physician. The responsibility is not shared.



some states allow for a primary sp and alternate sp's so that your sp is whichever doc in the group you work with on any given day. at my primary job my sp of record works days and I work nights so I have not seen or worked with him in over a yr.

the other docs in the group sign my charts.

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some states allow for a primary sp and alternate sp's so that your sp is whichever doc in the group you work with on any given day. at my primary job my sp of record works days and I work nights so I have not seen or worked with him in over a yr.

the other docs in the group sign my charts.



Thanks for the clarification. I was going with what I'm familiar with in my state, but I suppose I spoke too soon.

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As for your question in regards to respiratory therapy being a viable career option, I would look elsewhere. Over-saturation, a weak lobby and limited opportunities for career growth are several reasons to stay away from RT. If you want a healthcare career backup, go with nursing.


Sorry to hear that but thanks for your candor GatorRRT.

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