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Advice during pandemic

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My local teaching hospital is not hiring anyone due to the pandemic. I was going to use this summer to gain my clinical hours but the hospitals are furloughing a lot of people and I’m not getting any bites. I have experience working in an adult daycare but it’s been over ten years ago. Can I even use that as clinical experience? Additionally, I have almost 200 hours of volunteer work at hospital and clinic. Will this experience suffice for the volunteer work?

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I would list the adult daycare experience, but it's hard to say if that would count as healthcare experience or patient care experience without knowing more about it. If that's like CNA-type work, then it's probably patient care experience. What kind of tasks did you do? It may be useful to email programs you are interested in with that question and see if they feel that qualifies as experience and how valuable that experience is.


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10 minutes ago, Millker said:

What will people who have no experience at all do?

I feel like what is going to happen is that you may have to wait till next year. I don't understand why some wait to the last minute to start accruing PCE. Now maybe 6 months ago you had absolutely no way of getting PCE and that is unfortunate, but most schools (I feel) will not be lenient enough to completely disregard PCE.  Some schools do not have a PCE requirement, but if your GPA isn't perfect you will lose to someone with good PCE. Shoot, most schools value quality PCE over a high GPA.

So it is unfortunate but some people may end up not getting in r/t COVID and lacking PCE.

Anyway..good luck! and use the COVID essay to your advantage the best you can.

Edited by TylerV
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3 hours ago, TylerV said:

I feel like what is going to happen is that you may have to wait till next year. I don't understand why some wait to the last minute to start accruing PCE. Now maybe 6 months ago you had absolutely no way of getting PCE and that is unfortunate, but most schools (I feel) will not be lenient enough to completely disregard PCE.  Some schools do not have a PCE requirement, but if your GPA isn't perfect you will lose to someone with good PCE. Shoot, most schools value quality PCE over a high GPA.

So it is unfortunate but some people may end up not getting in r/t COVID and lacking PCE.

Anyway..good luck! and use the COVID essay to your advantage the best you can.

Thank you so much. I'm a little confused right now because of the quarantine situation, but I think I can handle it. Thanks again for your support!

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 5/27/2020 at 11:49 PM, Laybunny said:

I would list the adult daycare experience, but it's hard to say if that would count as healthcare experience or patient care experience without knowing more about it. If that's like CNA-type work, then it's probably patient care experience. What kind of tasks did you do? It may be useful to email programs you are interested in with that question and see if they feel that qualifies as experience and how valuable that experience is.


So this adult daycare center was where they trained people to go into the homes of delayed and/or disabled individuals. While working in this field I carried, fed (oftentimes tubefed), changed diapers of and cleaned colostomy bags (insurance didn’t provide enough for replacement and they were forced to be reused for days at a time). I was trained in MANDT, which are safe handling techniques to safely secure patient and self during violent episodes. I even helped a patient who was wheelchair bound to perform exercises on a mat and also placed them into a device that would help them stand up straight. Personally, I feel like I got every bit of patient care experience as I would in a nursing home or hospital. After explaining it to you, I think I will use it. I will attempt to get more hours in the meantime, COVID permitting, as I am a year out.

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13 minutes ago, Glampingislife said:

So after looking, if I count this experience as PCE, I would have 640 hours from 2006. Assuming worse case that I an unable to gain any recent experience in the next 18 months, will these hours suffice despite being 14 years old?

really depends on lots of factors, like which programs you apply to and the rest of your application stats. 

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